Module name
Sub-sediment burial
Module category
Carbon storage
Methodology name
Biomass carbon removal and storage (BiCRS)
Methodology ID
Release date
February 7th, 2025
Public consultation
This is a Carbon Storage Module and covers Marine sub-sediment burial. This module is part of the Riverse BiCRS methodology, which allows Project Developers to choose the relevant modules for their project, and shall be used with the necessary accompanying modules.
See more details on how modules are organized in the BiCRS home page.
This module covers marine sub-sediment burial projects that inject waste and residual biomass feedstock inputs directly into the layer of . Projects shall meet all of the following criteria:
Demonstrate capability to perform MRV as agreed upon in the validated project documentation
Demonstrate a net-negative project carbon footprint based on initial LCA estimates of induced emissions and initial CDR estimates based on modeling
Projects that sink biomass to the seafloor but do not bury and embed it into marine sub-sediments are not eligible.
The cand entity eligible for receiving carbon finance is the operator performing storage at the sub-sediment burial site. Biomass producers and sub-sediment burial machinery manufacturers are not eligible Project Developers.
A project is defined as all burial activities that take place from one port over the project lifetime (by default a maximum of 5 years, renewable), and all removal that occurs as a result of that burial, plus the upstream/downstream activities associated with that burial (e.g. GHG emissions from feedstock sourcing, transport...).
See the Storage batch section for more details on how a project is organized into different burial areas and burial events.
Storage must be done in conditions.
Storage must be done in existing accessible . Projects that drill, dredge or build wells for the sole purpose of accessing sub-sediments or creating sub-sediment conditions are not eligible, due to the associated environmental risks.
See the Site characterization section for more specific requirements.
See the BiCRS Biomass Feedstock module for more specific feedstock requirements.
Before or in parallel to validation with Riverse, the Project Developer shall obtain the necessary permits, and take measurements and samples, and gather secondary sources, for the Site Characterization Report and feedstock characterization, and propose a sampling plan.
The Project Developer submits required documentation and undergoes an ex-ante validation audit. The project documentation is made available on the registry, expected CDR volume is estimated, and provisional credits are available for pre-purchase agreements. Specific prerequisites include:
Permissions have been granted to operate at the storage site, and to monitor the site up to 12-months after storage.
The storage points are technically appropriate and can allow for permanent carbon storage. This is proven by generating the Site Characterization Report, demonstrating adherence to all requirements in the Storage site requirements section.
The biomass feedstock has been secured and a preliminary assessment of organic carbon content has been made.
Expected CDR is modeled using validation-stage estimates equations.
Feedstock mix is buried in the predefined storage points, and monitored at the storage site and storage batch level.
Visual proof of each burial event and site closure is required, via imagery documented in the PDD and subsequent Monitoring Reports, to confirm that the site is well-sealed by surrounding sediments or other surface enhancements (e.g. rocks/rubble, clay caps) and confirm closure.
Between 1-3 months after burial, Project Developers conduct first monitoring by following the Monitoring Plan and the Sampling Plan to measure organic carbon content in buried biomass for each storage batch. Additional storage points may be added within the validated storage sites. CDR estimates and permanence are updated with verified real data.
PDs may choose to either use:
50/50 issuance: undergo a verification audit by a VVB at the first measurement step and issue the first 50% of removal RCCs on the Riverse registry. Repeat the audit after the following step to issue the remaining 50%, or
One-time issuance: skip the first measurement and verification step, and wait to issue 100% of removal RCCs at the second measurement stage described below.
Project Developers conduct the second monitoring at least 12 months after burial, following the Monitoring Plan and the Sampling Plan, to measure organic carbon content in buried biomass for each storage batch. CDR estimates and permanence are updated with verified real data, and verified by the VVB.
50/50 issuance: the remaining credits are issued. Any discrepancies in earlier results, for example as a result of degradation, shall be accounted for by updating CDR calculations and following the over/under crediting mechanism in the Riverse Procedures Manual.
One-time issuance: all credits are issued for that storage batch based on the 12-month measurements.
Measurements and reporting are performed for storage batches. Verification and credit issuance is done at the reporting period scale (by default, annually), grouping results for all storage batches concerned during that reporting period. The organization of a project into storage batches, sites and points is described below, and depicted in Figure 1.
Sedimentary conditions for storage points within one storage site must be within the following ranges (data requirements are outlined in the Data Sources section):
Grain size: the majority grain size at the burial sediment depth must be either defined as either clay (0.002-0.05 mm) or sand (0.05-2 mm) for all storage points within a storage site, indicated by >50% of sediment grain size. Defined by recommendations of .
Water depth at storage point: At water depths 1-20 m, water depths must be within 0.5 m. At water depths 20-200 m, water depths must be within 5 m.
Sub-sediment depth of storage: At sub-sediment depths 2-3 m, storage depths must be within 0.5 m. At sub-sediment depths >3 m, storage depths must be within 1 m.
Ongoing burial into the sub-sediment shall last no longer than , to standardize sampling timescales. If burial continues after 31 days, it shall be considered a separate storage batch.
One project may work with different storage batches simultaneously. Each storage batch shall be monitored and reported separately within the same Monitoring Report. Storage batch information shall be monitored and reported at least once per calendar year.
Information about storage batches may be monitored continuously by Project Developers by uploading claim information to the Riverse MRV platform. All claims from one calendar year are audited together annually by a third party VVB for verification and issuance of credits.
A feedstock mixture is defined as one biomass feedstock or uniform mixtures of feedstocks. One feedstock mixture may be used across several storage batches, but any time the feedstock mixture of one storage batch changes, a new storage batch shall be started.
The feedstock mixture composition may vary by no more than 20% to be considered the same homogeneous feedstock mixture, where the composition is made of feedstocks of a specific type from a specific supplier.
See the Pre-burial sampling section for requirements on feedstock sampling.
For example, if a feedstock mixture is composed of 50% sawdust and 50% shredded straw, the proportions can vary between 40% and 60% (±10% of the original 50% for both inputs).
If a feedstock mixture is composed of 50% sawdust from Supplier A and and 50% from Supplier B, the proportions can vary between 40% and 60% (±10% of the original 50% for both inputs).
Storage points must meet the criteria outlined in Table 1 to be eligible. The criteria are set to ensure storage points are suitable for permanent carbon storage and have low reversal risks.
All criteria shall be outlined in the Site Characterization Report, prepared before any burial events occur and submitted with the PDD for the validation audit. In addition, the Site Characterization Report shall provide GPS coordinates of each planned storage point, and a GIS-generated map showing each storage point and the delineation of the associated storage site.
Additional storage sites and points may be proposed after project operations begin and credits are issued, provided no burial occurs at the new sites or points before they are validated. To add new storage sites and points, the Project Developer must update the Site Characterization Report with the required details. A VVB shall audit the report to ensure compliance with requirements in Table 1. Once approved, the new sites and points must adhere to the monitoring plan requirements.
Data sources characterizing storage points must be, in the following order of preference, 1) primary data from a pilot survey e.g. site surveys, in situ measurements and measurements on samples collected at the project site, delivered by the Project Developer, or 2) secondary data from the specific area concerned (e.g. published peer-reviewed literature or database measurements) or 3) secondary data from an area that is proven to be sufficiently representative and similar to the project area in the appropriate factors that relate to permanent storage.
Table 1 The required measurements and information for a storage site that must be presented in the Site Characterization Report, before any burial occurs, to justify that the storage site is appropriate for permanent CDR via marine sub-sediment burial.
Marine water
Must be in coastal, sea or ocean waters with a salinity greater than zero. Freshwater burial is not currently eligible.
Anoxic Sediment Layer
Water depth
Must ensure the surface of the water bottom (seafloor or sediment surface) is not exposed to the air during tidal fluctuations.
Methane diffusion
Gas exchange
Shelf slope
Sediment or seafloor gradation must be <1:100 to prevent sediment .
Sediment grain size
At the target sub-sediment depth, grain size must be at minimum 50% of at maximum 2 mm particle size.
Authorization and access
Project Developers must be authorized by jurisdictional authorities to operate, perform burial events and complete monitoring at the given geographic coordinates.
Potential for Future Disturbance
This shall be qualitatively and transparently discussed in the Site Characterization Report to determine if sediment disturbance may occur in the next 40 years, due to deep-sea mining, oil and gas extraction, trawling from fishing vessels, other resource exploitation, or any other use-conflict that might lead to reversal of storage. The site lease agreement should implement suitable barriers to such disturbance events.
Marine life
Characterize the biodiversity of marine life at the storage site, considering species type and abundance. This is used to 1) identify any sensitive biodiversity hotspots and 2) as a benchmark to compare identify any environmental damages after post-burial. Jurisdictional permitting and Environmental Impact Assessment procedures should already cover this, so this is implemented as an abundance of caution.
Sampling occurs at two stages of the project: sampling of the feedstock mixture before burial to establish organic carbon buried, and sampling the feedstock mixture after burial to check for any reversals (i.e. carbon degradation or diffusion. At both stages of sampling, laboratory testing shall provide the following measurements of the feedstock mixture:
% organic content of the solid biomass
% moisture content of the feedstock mixture
density of the feedstock mixture
Two representative samples of the feedstock mixture shall be prepared and sent for laboratory testing per storage batch: one at the beginning (day one) and one at the end of the storage batch (day 31 or an earlier date when the storage batch is complete).
Post-burial monitoring and sampling shall occur:
at least 12 months after the burial event, and
optionally, may also be performed within 1-3 months after the burial event if the Project Developer chooses the 50/50 credit issuance approach.
See the Crediting timeline and process section for more details.
Post-burial monitoring and sampling should be completed using sediment coring, to access the buried biomass, extract samples, and send them to a laboratory to measure the organic content of the solid biomass. Alternative approaches may be considered on a case by case basis, and approved by the VVB, the Riverse Certification team and, if deemed necessary by the Riverse Certification team, an expert peer reviewer.
Sampling and laboratory testing shall be done separately for each storage point. At least three sub-samples shall be taken from each storage point and mixed together to obtain one composite sample for the storage point. Samples can not be mixed from all storage points in one storage site to perform laboratory tests on a composite sample.
Project Developers shall prepare a Sampling Plan before any burial events occur, and submit it with the PDD for the validation audit. The Sampling Plan shall describe:
how representative samples will be taken of the feedstock mixture in pre-burial sampling
how to preserve moisture content of feedstock mixture while sending it to the lab
number of samples used for post-burial sampling
strategy for ensuring random/representative/unbiased sampling locations for post-burial sampling
The eligibility criteria requirements specific to this module are detailed in the sections below. Other eligibility criteria requirements shall be taken from the accompanying modules and methodologies:
Removal Riverse Carbon Credits (RCCs) issued from marine sub-sediment burial have a permanence horizon of 1000 years.
Project Developers may use primary measurements and secondary data to qualitatively discuss extended permanence horizons up to 100,000 years in their PDD. This is aligned with results of historical markers of undegraded terrestrial biomass recovered and . This would be supplementary information provided in the PDD, and the removal credit shall still be labeled as 1000 years.
Permanence is assessed at two points during project certification:
at ex-ante validation it is estimated using literature data and models
during verification it is demonstrated using direct measurements.
Requirements for each stage are detailed below.
To demonstrate that carbon in sub-sediment burial will remain permanently stable, indicators from the Storage site and storage point requirements section must be provided at validation, in the Site Characterization Report, demonstrating compliance with the requirements.
These indicators are suitable proof that a substantial fraction of the buried carbon is permanently stable. The amount of permanently stored carbon is determined using the models and equations detailed in the GHG reduction quantification section.
At verification, it is assumed that any organic carbon still remaining in the feedstock mixture 12 months after burial will remain permanently stored over 1000 years.
For each storage batch, the organic carbon content in the buried feedstock mixture is measured via sampling at 1-3 months (optional) and 12 months (mandatory) to determine the carbon permanently stored.
The actual amount of permanently stored carbon is measured as described in the GHG quantification section, replacing the modeled amounts used during validation to issue ex-post Riverse Carbon Credits.
If organic carbon loss measured during monitoring exceeds 1% of the initially buried carbon, degradation may be triggered. In this case, the conservative for estimating carbon loss under oxic conditions, which was used at ex-ante validation, shall still be used for verification and carbon credit issuance. This is expected to largely overestimate the actual carbon loss under anoxic conditions.
If organic carbon loss exceeds 5% of the initially buried amount, the project is considered compromised, and carbon credit issuance for the affected storage batches will be paused. The Riverse Certification team will collaborate with Project Developers to determine the cause of the unexpected loss and decide on appropriate corrective actions.
Project Developers shall fill in the Riverse Marine sub-sediment burial risk evaluation to evaluate the risk of carbon storage reversal, based on social, economic, natural, and delivery risks.
Project Developers shall prove that their project provides at least 2 co-benefits from the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) framework (and no more than 4).
Common co-benefits of Marine sub-sediment burial, and their sources of proof, are detailed in Table 2. Project Developers may suggest and prove other co-benefits not mentioned here.
Table 2 Summary of common co-benefits provided by Marine sub-sediment burial projects. Co-benefits are organized under the United Nation Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) framework.
9 - Industry,
innovation, and
The use of offshore technology, such as oil and gas exploration and exploitation equipment, retrofitting maritime vessels to use for more sustainable application than fossil fuel extraction and merchant transport.
Project Developers standard operating procedure (SOP) for the disposal and burial of biomass feedstock.
14 - Aquatic life
Project Developers can develop long-term ecological monitoring stations to support monitoring of sub-sediment burial and support regional monitoring for ocean health indicators.
Project Developers demonstrate collaborations with regional universities or governmental institutions for collaborative long-term monitoring, and measurements to be completed. Relevant data should be open source.
Project Developers shall prove that the project does not contribute to substantial environmental and social harms.
Projects must follow all national, local, and European (if located in Europe) environmental regulations related to the project activities.
Feedstock sustainability risks shall be taken from the Biomass feedstock module.
Project Developers shall fill in the Riverse Marine sub-sediment burial risk evaluation to evaluate the environmental and social risks of their project.
Project Developers must follow all relevant laws and legal requirements for reporting operations to local, federal and international governing bodies. Project Developers must follow the requirements outlined in their permit relating to the amount of tonnes injected if specified, and geographic area permitted for operations .
Permits are typically required for accessing coastal marine sediments and performing sub-sediment burial. The Project Developer must provide written authorization by either 1) the permit granting regulatory authority or 2) by the partner providing the permit demonstrating freedom to operate and perform sub-sediment burial in the geographic area defined in the PDD.
Typically, the EIA should be completed in advance of obtaining permitting for credit generation, and will be completed over the course of operations and reported to Riverse.
EIA may not be required for all permits for storage. When EIA is not required for permitting (e.g. for a research permit or permit exemption), the Project Developer shall demonstrate that a baseline environmental survey has been completed, assessing the elements listed below, and that the potential impacts have been considered to be within regulatory guidelines. This justification shall be evaluated by both the VVB and the Riverse Certification Team. Project Developers shall provide the same information as they would in a full EIA to Riverse for project validation, and cover aspects including:
Marine protected areas
Benthic habitat
Fishing grounds
Shipping lanes
Subsea infrastructure
Materials of historical significance
Baseline environmental survey and/or EIA must address how the project adheres to regulatory requirements such as limitations on sediment resuspension and habitat destruction due to seabed intervention.
The system boundary of this quantification section starts after burial of feedstock mixture and covers carbon storage through end of life after 1000 years, and accounts for potential re-emission and decay modeled for 1000+ years. Sources of GHG emissions covered in this module include only permanent carbon storage modeling. Other GHG emissions shall be taken from the accompanying modules.
There is no baseline from this module because it is assumed that there is no significant share of the project activity already occurring in business-as-usual. Therefore, the baseline for removal credits is zero and is omitted from calculations.
According to the Riverse Procedures Manual, this assumption shall be re-assessed at a minimum every 3 years during the mandatory methodology revision process, and any changes to this assumption would be applied to existing projects.
Note that baseline scenario carbon sequestration or leakage impacts may be included for the project from the biomass feedstock module.
The required primary data for GHG reduction calculations from projects are presented in Table 3. These data shall be included in the project’s PDD and made publicly available.
Table 3 Summary of primary data needed from projects and their source for project validation and verification. See the Monitoring Plan section for more details on monitoring and verification requirements. Asterisks (*) indicate which data shall be updated for each storage batch.
Sediment grain size
primary data from a pilot survey of the site
secondary data from the specific area concerned (e.g. published peer-reviewed literature or database measurements)
secondary data from an area that is proven to be sufficiently representative and similar to the project area in the appropriate factors that relate to permanent storage
Sub-sediment depth (X)
Same as above
Volume of feedstock mixture buried per storage batch*
Equipment logs on machinery delivering the burial
Organic carbon content of feedstock mixture *
% total organic carbon
Reported in the Feedstock Characterization Report for each storage batch
Moisture content of feedstock mixture*
Same as above
Density of feedstock mixture*
Same as above
Secondary data taken from the literature are used to define default values for the parameters outlined in Table 4. These values are only used for ex-ante validation models, and will be replaced by project measurements during verification.
Table 4 Values from scientific literature that may be used instead of primary data, for validation stage ex-ante carbon degradation modeling.
Fractional pools of complex organic carbon
Project Developers may choose between three sources for these values:
project incubation experiments with the feedstock mixture in representative marine sub-sediments.
in situ experiments with the biomass feedstock mixture in representative marine sediments.
Rate constants
Same options as above.
Carbon storage is calculated by subtracting the amount of organic carbon degraded over 1000 years from the amount of initially buried organic carbon.
Carbon burial is measured using the amount of feedstock mixture buried, and its measured organic carbon content.
Carbon degradation is subtracted from this carbon burial. It is modeled at validation and measured at verification.
Carbon degradation is conservatively modeled during validation using a (see Appendix A and Example 1), and measured during verification.
If monitoring measurements at 1-3 months or at 12-months show that >1% of buried organic carbon has been degraded and/or diffused, then the conservative models used at validation shall be applied to issue RCCs. See Eq. 4.
Nevertheless, oxic-environment rate constants are applied here, which is a conservative approach because this is expected to overestimate potential degradation in the sub-sediment burial anoxic conditions. This methodology may be revised to account for new measurements of anoxic-condition rate constants.
The literature values used here are intended to conservatively overestimate carbon loss, because they are taken from experiments under oxic conditions where degradation is more likely than in the anoxic conditions required under this methodology.
The entirety of buried biomass will be securely located in the seabed, allowing point-source monitoring of organic carbon degradation via measurement of organic carbon content.
Organic carbon degradation is . 12 months is an appropriate and sufficiently long timeframe to determine how much carbon degradation (if any) will occur over 1000 years.
Biomass degradation will either begin after embedding in the sub-sediment following a logarithmic relationship (), or it will not occur at all.
The rate of organic carbon degradation under oxic conditions is greater than the rate under anoxic conditions.
Biomass degradation can be measured by tracking organic carbon content of samples of the buried feedstock mixture over time.
Storage points will not experience re-suspension or re-working such that burial biomass is exposed to the water column over 1000 years.
The site characteristics and requirements detailed in Table 1 are suitable to identify sub-sediment areas that are anoxic.
See general instructions for uncertainty assessment in the Riverse Standard Rules. The outcome of the assessment shall be used to determine the percent of RCCs to eliminate with the .
The uncertainty in this module is assessed below for each component.
The baseline scenario selection has low uncertainty: it is rather certain that the share of project technology occurring in a Business as Usual scenario is very low.
Carbon storage modeling consists of basic conversions with low uncertainty.
Carbon degradation modeling consists of the at validation, with low uncertainty given that this is a foundational and commonly accepted model in biogeochemistry. At verification, this is modeled using direct measurements of changes in organic carbon content, leading to low uncertainty.
they are conservative assumptions, representing oxic conditions where carbon degradation is assumed to be higher than in the anoxic conditions required for burial under the present module, and
Low Uncertainty
Buried feedstock is securely stored in sub-sediment.
Biomass degradation can be tracked by measuring organic carbon over time.
Organic carbon degrades faster in oxic than anoxic conditions.
The site traits outlined in Table 1 are suitable for identifying anoxic sub-sediment areas.
Oxygen penetration depth can be used to estimate methane diffusion.
Moderate Uncertainty
Organic carbon degrades quickly at first, following a logarithmic trend; 12 months is a suitable measurement period.
Storage points remain undisturbed for 1000 years, preventing biomass exposure.
The uncertainty at the module level is estimated to be low. This translates to an expected discount factor of at least 3% for projects under this module.
The following information shall be provided for verification of each storage batch:
Volume of feedstock mixture buried per storage batch
Each burial event
Organic carbon content of feedstock mixture
Moisture content of feedstock mixture
Density of feedstock mixture
Visual proof of burial (e.g. photos or video taken during the burial event)
To confirm that the storage site is closed.
Each burial event
This appendix outlines the scientific foundation for sub-sediment biomass storage, summarizing key research on organic carbon degradation and preservation in marine sediments. While no studies directly replicate the conditions described in this module, relevant literature on similar processes is compiled.
Marine sediments serve as the final carbon sink, storing 150–200 billion tons of organic carbon in their upper layers (Hedges & Keil, 1995; Hedges, Keil & Benner, 1997; Atwood et al., 2020). The biological pump transfers oceanic carbon to sediments via microbial fixation, food chain dynamics, and sinking particulate matter. Despite its inefficiency—only ~1% of sinking carbon reaches sediments, and just 0.1% is buried long-term (Burdige, 2007; LaRowe et al., 2012)—this process significantly influences atmospheric CO₂ levels.
Biomass degrades rapidly in oxygenated sediments, but in anoxic environments, it can persist for millennia. Oxygen exposure time (OET) controls degradation: prolonged exposure breaks macromolecules into labile forms, accelerating conversion to CO₂. Reducing OET preserves biomass, as seen in bog bodies and historic wooden structures preserved in compacted, oxygen-deprived sediments (Ceccato et al., 2014; Macchioni et al., 2016).
Decades of research (Hedges & Keil, 1995; Arndt et al., 2013; LaRowe et al., 2020) indicate that organic carbon degrades slowly in anoxic sediments due to low substrate availability, microbial competition, mineral protection, and biochemical inaccessibility (Kristensen & Holmer, 2001; LaRowe et al., 2022).
Biomass preservation for over 1,000 years is common in coastal zones with high sedimentation rates and low OET. For example, rapid burial in the Bay of Bengal (30 cm/yr sedimentation) protects wood from microbial degradation, preserving organic material for millions of years (Lee et al., 2019). Similarly, wood fragments up to 11,900 years old have been recovered from the Gulf of Mexico (Schwab et al., 1996), and entire ancient forests remain buried off the Alabama coast (Delong et al., 2021; Moran et al., 2024).
Studies show organic carbon degradation slows exponentially over time, with rates up to 1,000× lower in anoxic sediments than in oxic environments (Kristensen & Holmer, 2001; Keil et al., 2010; LaRowe et al., 2012; Arndt et al., 2013). This supports the assumption that degradation rates in oxic conditions (Keil et al., 2010) represent a worst-case scenario for anoxic sub-sediment burial.
Biomass degradation begins with extracellular enzymatic hydrolysis, where aerobic microbes break down macromolecules into small organic compounds. These are further processed via anaerobic fermentation into substrates for redox reactions. However, without sufficient OET, enzymatic hydrolysis cannot begin, preventing degradation (Hartnett et al., 1998; Hedges et al., 1999). Ligno-cellulosic biomass requires longer OET than algal biomass to initiate breakdown.
In deep sediments, sulfate reduction is the dominant degradation process, accounting for 50% of total biomass decomposition globally (Jorgensen et al., 2019). This slow, energy-limited process produces CO₂ and hydrogen sulfide (HS). CO₂ diffuses upward, where it may be fixed by microbes or released at the sediment-water interface. Worst-case CO₂ diffusion rates align with modern dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) fluxes (Krumins et al., 2013). CO₂ accumulates due to compaction, it can form hydrates at depths >10 m in cold marine sediments (Eccles & Pratson, 2012; Velaga et al., 2011).
Hydrogen sulfide, though toxic, is rapidly oxidized in oxygenated environments, preventing marine toxicity. Additionally, 10–20% of HS reacts with iron hydrates to form pyrite (FeS), further stabilizing organic matter (Barber et al., 2017; Baumgartner et al., 2023).
Methanogenesis, consuming 15% of CO₂ from sulfate oxidation, contributes to organic carbon degradation (Regnier et al., 2011). Over time, sediment compaction reduces porosity, slowing diffusion and promoting FeS formation. This further limits CO₂ and methane movement, allowing microbial utilization.
Long-term biomass preservation in marine sediments is driven by low OET, rapid burial, and anoxic conditions. Anoxic degradation is significantly slower than oxic processes, enhancing the stability of buried carbon. Existing research supports the feasibility of sub-sediment biomass storage as a durable carbon sequestration strategy.
ESDNH indicators may be measured by the Project Developer within the validation stage to reduce project risk, and suggested monitoring during the verification stage.
Hydrogen sulfide is toxic to benthic life, and excessive production may exceed oxidation rates, increasing ecological risk.
Methane, a potent greenhouse gas, can also impact benthic organisms if released.
Suggested monitoring plan additions to monitor environmental harms
To detect microbial activity that might indicate increased environmental risk, even without %OC changes
Each storage batch, 12 months after burial
Dissolved sulfate in the sediment porewaters
To determine that the depth of storage has > 1 Mm of sulfate for organic carbon degradation to proceed using sulfate as an electron acceptor
Each storage batch, 12 months after burial
Methane (if dissolved sulfate is not measurable)
To assess methane production, which would indicate the use of methanogenesis rather than sulfate reduction
Each storage batch, 12 months after burial, if dissolved sulfate is not measurable
In addition to reaching below the maximum oxygen penetration depth at any season, there is a required sub-sediment depth of at least 2 m depth into the sediment is required due to risk of reversal, due to maximum 2m sediment scouring during tropical zones, and infilling of previously scoured areas due to resuspension due to storms (Morton, 1979; Sherwood et al., 1994), fluid-mud flows (Wheatcroft, 2000), and erosion (Morton, 1979, Harris & Wiberg, 2001).
On the continental shelf, seafloor sediments are eroded and reworked by bottom currents and wave action, a process known as “scouring” (Flood et al. 1983). This creates linear or lobate depressions shaped by dominant environmental forces. Channel-shaped scours, or furrows, range from 10–100 meters wide and 100–1000 meters long, with coarse sand or gravel floors. Larger lobate deposits (100–500 meters wide) are often filled with mega-rippled coarse sand, forming "Rippled Scour Depressions" (Davis et al. 2013). Major storms can also transport large amounts of sediment to the deep sea without leaving scours (Teague et al. 2006).
Scouring and sediment resuspension pose risks to carbon storage in shelf sediments, as buried biomass must remain covered to prevent oxygen exposure. To assess this risk, we reviewed 29 studies on sediment furrows and ripple scour depressions across various depths and oceanographic settings (Figure 4, Table 5). Reported scour depths, including those from extreme events (e.g., Hurricanes Katrina, Ivan, Sandy), inform our recommendation of a >2-meter burial depth for carbon storage. While regional variation is significant, findings from Ferinni et al (2005) suggest that wider continental shelves may offer greater protection from erosion.
Table 5: Summary of observation of furrowing and rippled scour depressions in literature
Water Depth
Scour Depth (cm)
Width (m)
Central CA, USA
Onslow Bay, NC, USA
Rio Balsas, Mexico
Middle Atlantic Bight, USA
Southern Rhode Island, USA
Port Clarence, AK, USA
California Coast, CA, USA
Shinnecock Inslet, NY, USA
Gray's Harbor, WA, USA
Humboldt Bay, CA, USA
Rhone Island Sound, RI, USA
Malin Shelf, Ireland
Drowned Forest, AL, USA
Dauphin Island, AL, USA
Innisfail, QLD, AUS
York River, VA, USA
Copper Harbon, MI, USA
English Channel, UK
Western Sahara
New Jersey, USA
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Mississippi, USA
Bolivar Peninsula, TX, USA
Fire Island, NY, USA
Barataria Bight, LA, USA
This page describes the changes in the Marine sub-sediment burial module.
Module created
February 2025
Only feedstock that also meets the requirements of the BiCRS Biomass Feedstock module is eligible in this module. Injection of liquefied or gaseous CO into sediments is outside the scope of this module.
Any water used in the feedstock mixture must come from within the 24 km storage batch area.
Must reach deep enough into the sub-sediment to reach the . This shall be at least 2 m into the sediment (see C for justification), but actual depth to achieve this varies by site and shall be justified for each project. The depth must remain anoxic year-round, accounting for bioturbation or increased advection/diffusion into sediments. The sub-sediment area must be stable with low likelihood of re-exposure, proven via e.g. established tools for determining sediment stability such as 210Pb or other geochronology tools.
Methane must not be diffusing out of the sediment-water interface. This is measured using as a proxy for methane diffusion. This requirement is to ensure that if any buried feedstock mixture degrades, it would not be emitted as the stronger GHG methane, and would instead be emitted as CO. In any case, loss of organic carbon from the biomass would be detected.
Project Developers shall use all criteria mentioned above to calculate potential gas exchange from embedded depth into the atmosphere, to justify that there will be minimal gas exchange of any evolved gases with the atmosphere during a 1000 year period. This requirement ensures that if any buried feedstock mixture degrades, the CO generated will likely remain trapped in the sediment and remain stored, rather than through the water column into the atmosphere.
reported in the
Laboratory testing of
Measured per storage batch, and (1-3 months, and 12 months)
If project incubation experiments or in situ experiments are used to provide values for and parameters, these experiments must either 1) be scientifically peer reviewed and published in academic journals, or 2) undergo independent external peer review for the specific project.
(oxic biomass bale sinking experiment, values are 0.012, 0.091, 0.897 for each variable, respectively).
values are 0.04, 0.002, and 0 for each variable, respectively
represents the total carbon removed in the present Carbon Storage module on marine sub-sediment burial. It is used in Eq. 1 in the Removals Calculations section of the BiCRS methodology. It is calculated for each storage batch.
represents the tonnes of COeq in the buried feedstock mixture, calculated below in Eq. 2.
represents the tonnes of COeq in the buried feedstock mixture that are degraded, lost and re-emitted, and is calculated in Eq. 3.
represents the total volume of feedstock mixture buried in m
represents the density of feedstock mixture in tonnes/m
represents the moisture content of the feedstock mixture, on a weight basis (%w/w), so represents the dry matter content of the feedstock mixture
represents the organic carbon content in the feedstock mixture, in % mass (e.g. g organic carbon/g dry feedstock mixture). At validation, this value should be conservatively estimated.
is 44/12 = 3.67, and represents the molar masses of CO and C respectively, and is used to convert tonnes C to tonnes of COeq.
represents the potential amount of carbon lost from degradation of buried feedstock mixture, in tonnes of COeq.
represents the fraction of evolved CO from degradation of the buried feedstock mixture that diffuses upwards out of the sediment, into the overlying water column, and is eventually emitted to the atmosphere within 1000 years (as opposed to remaining trapped in the sediment, reincorporated into microbial biomass...). This is conservatively assumed to be 1 for all projects, even though site requirements minimize sediment diffusion.
represents the fraction of organic carbon originally buried that has been lost via degradation. If this is found to be >0.01 during 1-3 or 12 month monitoring (i.e. 1% of buried organic carbon has degraded), then the conservative models used at validation shall be applied to issue RCCs.
The greatest risk to carbon removal reversal is degradation of buried feedstock mixture by microbes in the sub-sediment. This is limited by the site requirements that ensure anoxic conditions preventing degradation in the first place, and by sediment conditions ensuring that if degradation occurs, any evolved CO would stay trapped in the sub-sediment. Nevertheless, the calculations conservatively assume that any CO degraded is diffused out of the sub-sediment.
Empirical peer-reviewed research has only covered rate constants for organic matter degradation () for use in the under oxic conditions, but the projects covered under this methodology occur in anoxic conditions.
In absence of resources covering anoxic conditions, a literature review is described in Appendix A using decades of research on analogous environments and describing the expected range of in anoxic environments.
represents time. The equations presented can be time-integrated from 0 to 1000 years, calculating carbon degradation/storage continuously. For the purpose of issuing RCCs under this module, only results at time = 1000 years are used.
represents the fraction of organic carbon originally buried in the feedstock biomass remaining after 1000 years.
and are the fractional pools (in tonnes of organic carbon) of intermediate 1, intermediate 2, and residual, described in Table 4.
and are rate constants for each fractional pool, described in Table 4.
is described in Eq. 3.
is calculated in Eq. 2.
is described in Eq. 3.
is calculated in Eq. 2.
represents the organic carbon stored in the buried feedstock mixture at time , either a first monitoring and sampling between 1-3 months after burial, or a second monitoring and sampling at least 12 months after burial, in tonnes of COeq. See Crediting timeline and process for a description of the two time periods. This is calculated in Eq. 8.
is described in Eq. 2, and is assumed to be the same at burial and at time
represents the density of feedstock mixture in tonnes/m at time
represents the moisture content of the feedstock mixture at time , on a weight basis (%w/w), so represents the dry matter content of the feedstock mixture at time
represents the organic carbon content in the feedstock mixture, in % mass (e.g. g organic carbon/g dry feedstock mixture) at time
was described in Eq. 2.
This example demonstrates the validation-stage, ex-ante carbon storage modeling for the burial of 1 tonne of COeq (=1) at a sediment depth () of 5 m, using literature values from described in Table 4.
Using equations 1-8 we obtain the the following results for , also shown in Figures 3a and 3b below for 1 and 1000 years, respectively.
= 1 t COeq
= 0.999 t COeq
= 0.9993 t COeq
= 0.9093 t COeq
In this case the estimated permanent carbon removal, over 1000 years, is 0.9093 tCOeq. Induced emissions from other modules would be calculated and subtracted from this removal estimate to determine the number of provisional credits to make available.
If, for example, upon monitoring, the Project Developer takes samples of the buried feedstock mixture and measured a = 0.9995 t COeq. This represents an of 0.05%, below the 1% threshold, so the project may issue RCCs based on the actual measured value of 0.9995 t COeq (adjusted by the induced emissions calculated in other modules).
If, for example, the Project Developer measures a = 0.985 t COeq. This represents an of 1.5%, above the 1% threshold. The measurements are not used, it is considered that degradation has been triggered, and the project will issue credits based on their validation-stage estimates (i.e. 0.9093 t COeq.).
Any organic carbon degradation leads to CO released to the water column, and eventually back to the atmosphere, via diffusive transport (see Eq. 4, = 1). This is a conservative assumption, because degraded carbon may remain trapped permanently in the sediment matrix as CO. Indeed, the site requirements are set to ensure that CO diffusion out of the sediment matrix is minimized.
Methane diffusion can be measured using oxygen penetration depth as a proxy. If O is measurable in the surface layer of marine sediments, methane is unable to diffuse out of the sediment-water interface.
The secondary data used for all projects under this methodology are the and constants presented in Table 4. The use of these constants has moderate uncertainty, because they are not specifically adapted to project storage sites. This uncertainty is mitigated and considered acceptable because:
constants are only used at validation for calculating ex-ante estimates of carbon removal. These are replaced by measurements and primary data for verification and RCC issuance.
Any degradation releases CO to the water, then the atmosphere, via diffusion (a conservative assumption).
Download the template here
To calculate
To calculate
Each storage batch: Day 1 and last day of burial, and 12 months post-burial (optional 1-3 months post-burial for )
To calculate
Each storage batch, Each storage batch: Day 1 and last day of burial, and 12 months post-burial (optional 1-3 months post-burial for )
To calculate
Each storage batch, Each storage batch: Day 1 and last day of burial, and 12 months post-burial (optional 1-3 months post-burial
To monitor environmental risk, Project Developers should understand the biogeochemical zonation of sediment depths where biomass is stored. In anoxic marine sediments, organic molecules degrade via sulfate reduction, producing hydrogen sulfide (HS), which diffuses upward and oxidizes to sulfate in oxygen-rich layers. In the absence of sulfate, methanogenesis dominates, producing methane (CH). Both processes can generate HS or CH, posing environmental risks.
To mitigate risks, HS and CHemissions at the sediment-water interface should remain below environmental thresholds. Project Developers are encouraged to measure dissolved sulfate, HS, and CHconcentrations in target sediment layers before burial and include these gases in their monitoring plans to ensure environmental safety.
Dissolved hydrogen sulfide (HS) in storage batch sediment porewaters at 1- and 12-month intervals
A storage batch is all burial events of homogenous feedstock mixtures at one storage site over a maximum of 31 days.
A storage site is a group of similar storage points within 24 km of one another with similar site characteristics.
A storage point is the precise spot where a burial event occurs. Similar storage points may be grouped into a storage site.
Project Developers shall assign a likelihood and severity score of each risk, and provide an explanation of their choices. The VVB and Riverse’s Certification team shall evaluate the assessment and may recommend changes to the assigned scores.
All risks with a high or very high risk score are subject to a Risk Mitigation Plan, which outlines how Project Developers will mitigate, monitor, report, and if necessary, compensate for any environmental and/or social harms.
Additional proof may be required for certain high risk environmental and social problems.
The Project Developer, the Riverse Certification team, or the VVB may suggest additional risks to be considered for a specific project.
Note that the life-cycle GHG reduction calculations account for the climate change impacts of most environmental risks. Nonetheless, Project Developers shall transparently describe any identified GHG emission risks in the risk evaluation template.
Project Developers shall assign a likelihood and severity score to each risk, and provide an explanation of their choices. The Riverse Certification team shall evaluate the assessment and may recommend changes to the assigned scores.
The Project Developer, Riverse Certification team, or the third-party auditor may suggest additional risks to be considered for a specific project.
Each reversal risk with a high or very risk score is subject to:
risk mitigation plan, developed by the Project Developer, that details the long-term strategies and investments for preventing, monitoring, reporting and compensating carbon removal reversal, or
additional contributions to the buffer pool, at a rate of 3% of verified removal Riverse Carbon Credits for each high or very high risk
All risk assessments must also address the Minimum ESDNH risks defined in the Riverse Standard Rules.
BiCRS Methodology
BiCRS methodology
No double counting
Targets alignment
Module name
Biochar application to soils
Module category
Carbon storage
Methodology name
Biomass carbon removal and storage (BiCRS)
Methodology ID
Release date
December 4th, 2024
In use
This is a Carbon Storage Module and covers the biochar application to soils. This module is part of the Riverse BiCRS methodology, which allows Project Developers to choose the relevant modules for their project, and shall be used with the necessary accompanying modules.
See more details on how modules are organized in the BiCRS home page.
This module covers industrial biochar projects that meet all of the following criteria:
Biochar may be applied directly to soils or incorporated into soil-related products, such as soil additives, horticultural substrates, potting soils, fertilizer mixes, or compost.
Projects may be designed to prioritize bio-oil or bioenergy production, where biochar is the co-product. Such projects may still be eligible for removal Riverse Carbon Credits under this module, if they meet all criteria outlined herein.
This module also covers any potential avoided horticultural products from the use of biochar.
This module issues removal RCCs on the basis of biochar use/delivery, i.e. application to soils and permanent storage, not on the basis of biochar production.
The Project Developer and entity eligible for receiving carbon finance may be either:
the operator of the biochar production site, or
land owners or managers who purchase biochar and apply it to their soil.
Pyrolyzer and gasification equipment manufacturers are not eligible Project Developers.
Measurements and reporting are performed for production batches, and credit issuance is done at the reporting period scale (by default, annually). A production batch is the biochar produced under the same conditions regarding production temperature and feedstock mix. It is assumed that all biochar from the same production batch has similar characteristics (i.e. , moisture content…).
Specifically, the definition of a production batch follows the definition, where pyrolysis temperature and biomass feedstock composition must not change by more than 20%.
For example, if the declared pyrolysis temperature is 600 °C, temporary fluctuations between 480 °C and 720 °C are acceptable, because they are within 20% of 600 °C.
If a mixture of 50% tree clippings and 50% nut shells is pyrolyzed, the proportions can vary between 40% and 60% (±10% of the original 50% for both inputs)
A production batch has a maximum validity of 365 days, after which biochar shall be considered part of a different production batch even if conditions are unchanged.
Information about production batches may be monitored continuously by Project Developers by uploading claim information to the Riverse MRV platform. All claims from one calendar year are audited together annually by a third party VVB for verification and issuance of credits. See the Continuous issuance section of the Riverse Procedures Manual for more details.
The eligibility criteria requirements specific to this module are detailed in the sections below. Other eligibility criteria requirements shall be taken from the accompanying modules and methodologies:
Projects issuing removal RCCs from biochar application to soil may claim one of two different permanence horizons, depending on their GHG reduction quantification method: a permanence horizon of 100 years or 1000 years.
Permanence is ensured by measuring one of the following characteristics of biochar that are known indicators of carbon stability:
100 year pathway: Hydrogen and organic carbon content (). must be less than 0.7 to be considered eligible for 100-year permanent removals.
1000 year pathway: Random reflectance. The fraction of the biochar that has a random reflectance of 2% or higher can be considered inertinite, which is an extremely stable, permanent storage of mineral carbon.
The distinction between the two permanence horizons is supplementary, qualitative information that does not affect the inherent attributes of the removal RCC.
These indicators are suitable proof that a substantial fraction of the carbon present in biochar is permanently stable. The specific amount of permanently stored carbon is determined using the models and equations detailed in the GHG reduction quantification section.
These indicators shall be monitored for each production batch according to the Riverse Sampling Requirements.
Project Developers shall fill in the Riverse Biochar application to soils risk evaluation to evaluate the risk of carbon storage reversal, based on social, economic, natural, and delivery risks.
Project Developers shall assign a likelihood and severity score to each risk, and provide an explanation of their choices. The Riverse Certification team shall evaluate the assessment and may recommend changes to the assigned scores.
The Project Developer, Riverse Certification team, or the third-party auditor may suggest additional risks to be considered for a specific project.
Each reversal risk with a high or very risk score is subject to:
risk mitigation plan, developed by the Project Developer, that details the long-term strategies and investments for preventing, monitoring, reporting and compensating carbon removal reversal, or
additional contributions to the buffer pool, at a rate of 3% of verified removal Riverse Carbon Credits for each high or very high risk
See the BiCRS methodology No double counting section for general requirements on this topic. Since both biochar producers and users are eligible for removal RCCs under this methodology, additional details are provided here.
If only one party intends to issue carbon credits, this must be proven through signed agreements, minimizing the risk of double counting.
For example, if only the biochar producer seeks to issue carbon credits, they must obtain a signed agreement from the farmer whose land biochar will be spread on, stating that the farmer will not also try to issue carbon credits for their use of biochar.
If both the biochar producer and the farmer intend to issue carbon credits, they must agree on how to divide the annual biochar production for credit issuance. The credited biochar amount must be tracked and reported separately, governed by agreements outlining which party receives credits.
For example, they might decide that the farmer will issue credits for the biochar produced from January through April (Production Batch #1), while the producer will issue credits for biochar produced from May through December (Production Batch #2).
Project Developers shall prove that their project provides at least 2 co-benefits from the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) framework (and no more than 4).
Common co-benefits of biochar application to soil, and their sources of proof, are detailed in Table 1. Project Developers may suggest and prove other co-benefits not mentioned here.
SDG 13 on Climate Action by default is not considered a co-benefit here, since it is implicitly accounted for in the issuance of carbon credits. If the project delivers climate benefits that are not accounted for in the GHG reduction quantifications, then they may be considered as co-benefits.
Table 1 Summary of common co-benefits provided by biochar application to soils projects. Co-benefits are organized under the United Nation Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) framework.
SDG 12.2 - Achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources
The project’s will be measured by the , according to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation's methodology. The indicator is expected to be 100% circularity for all biochar projects, since they use biomass feedstock and do not landfill or incinerate their product.
Type of feedstocks used, verification of end use of biochar
15.1 Ensure the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems and their services
Biochar application to agricultural soils can therefore reducing the amount of land, pesticides, fertilizer, and other environmentally impactful resources needed to grow food
Proof of biochar use in agriculture as opposed to other applications: contract, invoices, receipts of sale of biochar to farmers.
If Project Developers can prove that their biochar product replaces a specific and known amount of a specific product, (e.g. a known fraction of a horticultural substrate mix), then the product may be considered as replaced and avoided. The Project Developer shall justify the amount of material actually replaced by biochar, and may not simply use a 1:1 mass replacement ratio. A non-exhaustive list of possible replaced products include:
Horticultural peat/peat moss
Perlite and vermiculite
Synthetic mineral fertilizers (only when biochar is used as an ingredient in fertilizer mixes, not when it is directly applied to soils)
Project Developers must prove that:
the biochar is an appropriate and realistic substitute for the avoided product, and
that the user of the biochar actually uses less of the horticultural product than they did previously
In other words, it is not sufficient to prove that biochar could technically substitute products, because there is high uncertainty in which products biochar would actually substitute. It must be shown using operations tracking or invoices from the biochar user that they actually use less of the replaced product, thanks to the addition of biochar.
By default, it shall be assumed that biochar application to soils does not replace any measurable, verifiable product.
If only removal RCCs are issued, then this eligibility criteria is not applicable.
Note that avoidance from energy co-products is covered in a a separate module.
Project Developers shall prove that the project does not contribute to substantial environmental and social harms.
Projects must follow all national, local, and European (if located in Europe) environmental regulations related to, for example, pyrolysis, gasification, waste feedstock management, and biochar spreading on soils.
Feedstock sustainability risks shall be taken from the Biomass feedstock module.
Biochar applied to soils must be below the pollutant concentration thresholds outlined in Table 2, defined by the (for EBC-Agro). This shall be measured for each production batch.
Table 2 The thresholds for pollutant concentrations allowed in biochar, as detailed in the .
Limit amount (g/tonne dry matter)
Project Developers shall fill in the Riverse Biochar application to soils risk evaluation, to evaluate the identified environmental and social risks of projects. The identified risks include:
Heavy metal or other pollutants in biochar applied to agricultural soils
The GHG reduction quantification instructions from all other modules used by the project must be used in conjunction with the present module in order to obtain full life-cycle GHG reduction quantifications.
The system boundary of this quantification section starts at the arrival of biochar at the site of permanent incorporation/application (i.e. field for spreading, mixing into potting soil...) and ends at the biochar end of life, after accounting for decay and re-emission in its end use application.
Quantification shall be done at a minimum for each biochar production batch, and may be done more frequently for Continuous issuance. Verification shall be done annually by summing the GHG reduction quantifications for each production batch produced in the calendar year.
GHG emissions covered in this module include:
Permanent carbon storage modeling
Production of avoided baseline scenario materials
The required primary data for GHG reduction calculations from projects are presented in Table 2. These data shall be provided for each production batch and made publicly available.
Table 2 Summary of primary data needed from projects and their source for initial project certification and validation. Asterisks (*) indicate which data are required to be updated annually during verification (see Monitoring Plan section).
Amount of biochar produced*
Tonnes of fresh matter
Internal tracking documents, invoices, contracts
Laboratory chemical analyses
Organic carbon content
Laboratory chemical analyses
Laboratory chemical analyses
Amount and type of avoided horticultural product (optional)
kg, tonnes, m3
Operations tracking and invoices from the product user
Amount of biochar produced*
Tonnes of fresh matter
Internal tracking documents, invoices, contracts
Organic carbon content
Laboratory chemical analyses
Laboratory chemical analyses
Laboratory chemical analyses
Laboratory chemical analyses
Amount and type of avoided horticultural product (optional)
kg, tonne, m3
Operations tracking and invoices from the product user
The version 3.10 (hereafter referred to as ecoinvent) shall be the main source of emission factors unless otherwise specified. Ecoinvent is preferred because it is traceable, reliable, and well-recognized. The ecoinvent processes selected are detailed in Appendix 1.
No other secondary data sources are used in this module.
The rules outlined at the methodology-level in the BiCRS methodology document shall be applied for allocating GHG emissions between co-products.
By default, biochar application to soils does not replace any product.
The fraction of biochar with an below 2% does not contribute to any permanent carbon storage. This fraction, classified as semi-inertinite rather than inertinite, likely plays a role in long-term carbon storage. However, due to limited research on its quantification, it is conservatively excluded from this analysis.
All biochar from the same production batch has the same characteristics (e.g. M_{\text{%}}, , ).
The baseline scenario for the purpose of Removal vs Avoidance RCCs issuance is detailed below.
For removal RCCs, there is no baseline from this module because it is assumed that there is no significant share of the project activity already occurring in business-as-usual. Therefore, the baseline for removal credits is zero and is omitted from calculations.
According to the Riverse Procedures Manual, this assumption shall be re-assessed at a minimum every 3 years during the mandatory methodology revision process, and any changes to this assumption would be applied to existing projects.
Note that baseline scenario carbon sequestration may be included for the project from the biomass feedstock module.
For avoidance RCCs, a baseline scenario shall only be considered if the project meets the Substitution criteria and is eligible to claim avoidance RCCs.
By default, it shall be assumed that biochar application to soils does not replace any measurable, verifiable product.
If Project Developers can prove that their biochar product replaces a specific and known amount of a specific product, then the product may be considered as replaced and avoided.
Examples of ecoinvent processes for these products are presented in Appendix 1.
Note that avoidance from energy co-products is covered in a separate module.
The equations for calculating avoidance are presented in the BiCRS methodology document and shall be applied here.
Project Developers must choose between one of two approaches to quantify the total carbon removals from their biochar product, as described in the Permanence section. A single approach must be used consistently throughout each reporting period, though a different approach may be chosen for subsequent reporting periods.
Modeling 100-year removals using bulk measurements of , or
Estimating 1000-year removals using random reflectance measurements as proxies for inertinite.
This approach is based on research from , and the . It is rooted in soil ecology and soil biochemistry disciplines. The permanent fraction of biochar carbon remaining after 100 years ( ) is modeled using the average soil temperature of 15°C.
For verification, Project Developers shall provide primary project data in the form of laboratory measurements for and M_{\text{%}} following the Sampling requirements.
This approach is based on research from , and is rooted in organic petrology and geochemistry disciplines. This approach is built upon research showing that fractions of inertinite in biochar samples are:
and will not re-release their carbon for at least 1000 years.
represented by the fraction of the sample with a Random Reflectance () of .
For verification, Project Developers shall provide primary project data in the form of laboratory measurements for distribution and M_{\text{%}} per production batch following the Sampling requirements.
distribution shall be calculated on at least 500 measurements, yielding a distribution diagram similar to the examples in Figure 1.
The fraction of the distribution with an above 2% shall be assumed to equal the fraction of the biochar carbon that is stored permanently for 1000 years. The fraction
The fraction of the distribution with an below 2% shall represent the fraction of biochar carbon that is not permanently stored, and for which no removal RCCs are issued.
Example 1: This biochar sample has heterogenous quality and a wide distribution of measurements. The biochar sample has a mean of 2.12, and 72% of the measurements are above the 2% inertinite threshold. Therefore, this biochar sample has an of 0.72, and 72% of the organic carbon in the sample will be converted to COeq and considered as 1000-year carbon removals. The remaining 28% of carbon is assumed to decompose within the 1000-year permanence horizon, and is not considered for any removal RCCs.
Example 2: This biochar sample has rather homogenous quality and a narrow distribution of measurements. The biochar sample has a mean of 2.32, and 95% of the measurements are above the 2% inertinite threshold. Therefore, this biochar sample has an of 0.95, and 95% of the organic carbon in the sample will be converted to COeq and considered as 1000-year carbon removals. The remaining 5% of carbon is assumed to decompose within the 1000-year permanence horizon, and is not considered for any removal RCCs.
Riverse is actively monitoring ongoing research and seeking expert advice on the potential development of a third approach that uses measurements as proxies for inertinite content. For example, if the value is less than 0.2, it could be interpreted as indicating that 95% of the biochar is inertinite. While this simplification has been suggested by experts and holds promise, it is currently considered insufficiently rigorous due to a lack of supporting evidence and clear guidance.
See general instructions for uncertainty assessment in the Riverse Standard Rules. The outcome of the assessment shall be used to determine the percent of RCCs to eliminate with the .
The three assumptions presented in the Assumptions section have moderate uncertainty, but the most conservative approach is taken in the quantifications.
The baseline scenario selection (if applicable) has low uncertainty, because the specific circumstances, amount and type of baseline material must be proven by the Project Developer.
The equations and models have low to moderate uncertainty. The model for 100-year permanence from has moderate uncertainty because it is a model fitted to experimental data, which always introduces variability. The equations for 1000-year permanence from have low uncertainty because they are basic conversion equations.
The assumption that biochar characteristics are the same throughout the production batch is low, thanks to the strict definition of a production batch ensuring low-variability, and the exhaustive sampling requirements ensuring a representative sample.
The uncertainty at the module level is estimated to be low. This translates to an expected discount factor of at least 3% for projects using this module.
The following indicators shall be measured for each production batch:
Carbon content (organic and/or total)
moisture content
random reflectance (only if applying for 1000-year permanence)
Measurements shall be performed by laboratories with at least one quality assurance accreditation, such as:
ISO/IEC 17025
CEN/TS 17225-1
ISO 10694
Unaccredited laboratories from academic settings shall be evaluated on a case by case basis by the VVB and the Riverse Certification team.
The sampling procedure detailed in sections below and summarized in Figure 1 is the recommended approach for representative sampling. However, Project Developers may implement their own approach if it is detailed in the PDD and in Sampling Records; ensures one representative sample per production batch; addresses samples and composite samples amount and frequency; and ensures homogenization. The VVB and the Riverse Certification team must validate the rigor and representativeness of the proposed sampling approach.
The recommended approach sampling requirements are based on the following sources:
One representative sample per Production Batch shall be created and sent for laboratory testing. This sample ensures that any within-batch variability is captured in the measurements.
Table 1 details the number of composite samples that should be taken per Production Batch to obtain one representative sample, based on the .
The representative sample size should be be 24 liters * the n number of composite samples per Production Batch detailed in Table 1.
Table 1
≤ 3 000
3 001 – 10 000
10 001 – 20 000
20 001 – 40 000
40 001 – 60 000
60 001 – 80 000
80 001 – 100 000
The should be followed for taking composite samples. Those requirements are summarized below.
The first sample must be taken within 7 days of the start of the Production Batch.
To prepare one sample, 8 sub-samples of 3 liters each are taken at intervals of at least one hour directly at the discharge of the freshly produced material. This shall be repeated for three consecutive days.
The 24 samples are combined to form one composite sample.
The first sample must be taken within 7 days of the start of the Production Batch.
Samples may be taken from a well-mixed pile of biochar produced within the last 7 days.
The amount of biochar used for one sample shall be equivalent to at least one day's production.
24 sub-samples of 3 liters each shall be taken from different spots in the pile.
The 24 subsamples are combined to form one composite sample.
The representative sample shall be homogenized by the Project Developer or by the laboratory that performs testing. The biochar shall be ground to a size of <3 mm.
The ground sample is mixed by shoveling the pile three times from one pile to another.
A sub-sample of 1.5 liters shall be taken from 15 spots in the mixed pile.
The 15 sub-samples are re-combined, and then mixed by shoveling the pile three times from one pile to another.
From the mixed pile of the combined sub-samples, 15 subsamples of 150 ml each should be taken at 15 different spots in the pile and combined. This combined homogenized representative cross sample is used for laboratory testing.
A one-liter retention sample shall be collected each day that biochar is produced. These samples should be combined for storage over the calendar month. Retention samples must be stored for a minimum of two years.
For each Production Batch, Project Developers shall submit a Sampling Record for verification to prove their adherence to the requirements above. Sampling Records shall include the following information for each sample taken:
Date of sampling
Amount of biochar sampled
Description of representative sampling process (either followed the recommended approach, or describe the individual approach)
Sample ID
Visual description and observation of biochar
Description of any potential anomalies
Proof of retention sampling
Photos showing the date, sample ID, and amount of biochar that is included in the present Sampling Record
Biochar projects often use carbon financing to launch new projects, and validation is done ex-ante before the project begins operations. In this case, are estimated using reasonable project data estimates. These provisional credit estimates are converted to verified issued credits upon verification using real project data. Required project data estimates are detailed below.
A project may use one quantification approach for ex-ante estimation, and use a different approach for verification.
An estimated ratio and must be provided based on
measurements from samples from pilot phase or previous operations for the same site (preferred option),
equipment manufacturer data/quotes/estimates,
scientific literature for similar project conditions, or
verified measurements from other projects under similar conditions.
If options 2-4 are used, the estimated and shall automatically be discounted by 10% for the validation-stage estimates, in order to ensure conservative estimates and avoid over-estimations.
An estimated must be provided based on the same sources described for Approach 1: 100-year removals with H/C. This estimated value shall be used for quantification.
An estimated must be provided based on the same sources described for Approach 1: 100-year removals with H/C. This estimated value must be below 0.4 to use the 1000-year approach.
Project Developers must prove that they plan to perform pyrolysis at a temperature of at least 500°C.
Since distributions cannot be reliably estimated before production, a default value of 0.8 shall be assumed for all projects for the purpose of ex-ante validation estimates, given that they meet the above requirements. The real value shall be used for verification and the final issuance of removal RCCs.
When validation is conducted on non-operating projects that are in the planning stage, Project Developers shall prove during validation that the biochar is reasonably expected with strong certainty to end up in its intended use (application to soil). This shall be provided by either:
Option 1: Signed agreements with the end-buyers that they intend to purchase the agreed upon quantity of biochar annually (preferable).
Option 2: If the project is in planning stages and has not yet secured a buyer, a signed agreement from the Project Developer of their intended buyer/user of biochar. Note that the delivery risk is higher for this option, so Option 1 is preferable. An increased discount factor may be applied.
Upon verification, once the project has started operating, Project Developers shall prove that biochar has been used in the intended application for each Production Batch, (e.g. incorporated into soils, added to fertilizer mixes…). This shall be done in Biochar Application Verification Reports that shall contain all of the following:
Tracking records of the purchase and/or delivery of the biochar to its end use point of use, specifying the date, amount of biochar and Production Batch ID.
GPS coordinates of all end use points with according amounts of biochar, if known to the Project Developer.
Company name and individual contact information for each buyer/user of biochar, for traceability and random checking by VVBs.
Photo diary of biochar application, including photos of for example the biochar being delivered, tags/labels with information, road signs during delivery, process of biochar spreading.
Monitoring Plans for this module shall include, but are not limited to, tracking of the following information for each Production Batch:
Description of the pyrolysis conditions (temperature and residence time) and any variability in the process
Amount of biochar produced, in tonnes of fresh biochar
Moisture content of biochar
Organic carbon content
Random reflectance ( ) mean and distribution (only for Approach 2: Estimating 1000-year removals using random reflectance)
Monitoring Plans for this module shall include, but are not limited to, tracking of the following information for each calendar year:
Number of Production Batches
Total amount of biochar produced per year, in tonnes of fresh biochar
The Project Developer is the party responsible for adhering to the Monitoring Plan.
The table below presents a non-exhaustive selection of Ecoinvent activities that may be used in the GHG reduction calculations for this module. Additional activities may be used for any project, if the following selection does not cover all relevant activities.
Table A1 List of ecoinvent 3.10 processes used in the GHG reduction quantification model, all processes are from the cutoff database
Peat moss
peat moss production, horticultural use, RoW
expanded perlite production, CH
market for lime, RER
Nitrogen mineral fertilizer
market for inorganic nitrogen fertiliser, as N, country specific
Phosphorus mineral fertilizer
market for inorganic phosphorus fertiliser, as P2O5, country specific
Potassium mineral fertilizer
market for inorganic potassium fertiliser, as K2O, country specific
Mineral NPK fertilizer #1
market for NPK (26-15-15) fertiliser, RER
Mineral NPK fertilizer #2
market for NPK (15-15-15) fertiliser, RER
This page describes the changes in the Biochar application to soils module.
Because this module is considered the V2.0 of the Riverse BECCS and Biochar V1.0 methodology, the table below also includes changes from the Riverse BECCS and Biochar V1.0 methodology that are covered in other modules (e.g. Biomass feedstock).
Added equations for calculation GHG reductions
Increased transparency.
September 2024
Aligned terminology with ISO 14064-2:2019
Improved consistency with the voluntary carbon market. LCA principles still apply.
September 2024
Added risk assessment template for environmental and social do no harm
Provide more detailed and prescriptive assessment framework, clearer instructions for project developers.
September 2024
Removed text for sections that are the same for all methodologies:
Technology readiness level
Minimum impact
Independently verified
Repeated text from the Standard Rules.
September 2024
Added Monitoring Plan section
Alignment with Riverse Standard Rules V6.
September 2024
Remove Rebound Effect and Independently Validated criteria
Alignment with Riverse Standard Rules V6.
September 2024
Added uncertainty assessment section
Alignment with Riverse Standard Rules V6.
September 2024
Infrastructure and machinery quantification expanded and specified, simple option added
Simplification, results not sensitive to impacts
September 2024
New Leakage requirements
More rigorous eligibility criteria, and clear requirements and instructions for Project Developers
September 2024
Allow option for 1000 year removals, measurement of random reflectance
Updated research
September 2024
Added verification of end use reports
Increased rigor to ensure biochar is used as claimed
September 2024
Added precise sampling requirements
Provide Project Developers with clear expectations, ensure representative sampling
September 2024
Allow option to monitor data and quantify GHGs per production batch
Facilitate data collection and reporting for Project Developers
September 2024
Biomass feedstock shall only be waste and biomass cultivated from sustainable production is not allowed
Increased stringency, following best practice and scientific recommendations
September 2024
Project Developers shall assign a likelihood and severity score of each risk, and provide an explanation of their choices. The VVB and Riverse’s Certification team shall evaluate the assessment and may recommend changes to the assigned scores.
All risks with a high or very high risk score are subject to a , which outlines how Project Developers will mitigate, monitor, report, and if necessary, compensate for any environmental and/or social harms.
Additional proof may be required for certain high risk environmental and social problems.
The Project Developer, the Riverse Certification team, or the VVB may suggest additional risks to be considered for a specific project.
Note that the life-cycle GHG reduction calculations account for the climate change impacts of most environmental risks. Nonetheless, Project Developers shall transparently describe any identified GHG emission risks in the risk evaluation template.
All risk assessments must also address the defined in the Riverse Standard Rules.
Biochar *
Biochar moisture content () *
Average random reflectance
Fraction of distribution measurements above 2%
Biochar moisture content ()*
Download the template here
Heat biomass to at least 350°C during production.
Biochar Quality and Use
Apply biochar to agricultural, forest, or urban soils, ensuring permanent sequestration of its organic carbon content.
BiCRS Methodology
BiCRS methodology
No double counting
Targets alignment
Use waste and residual biomass as feedstock, according to the module.
Capture or cleanly burn pyrolysis gasses, as outlined in the module
Produce high-quality biochar with a molar below 0.7.