Monitoring Plans for this methodology shall include at a minimum, but are not limited to, tracking of the following information:
amount of biomethane injected into the grid
mass and waste status of each feedstock input in tonnes of fresh matter (ensuring the dedicated crop and ILUC risk thresholds are not surpassed, see Environmental and Social Do No Harm and Leakage)
repartition of solid, liquid and raw digestate
amount and type of electricity use on-site
description of any major changes in operations
The Project Developer is the party responsible for adhering to the Monitoring Plan.
Projects eligible under this methodology are the anaerobic digestion sites where feedstock inputs are collected, anaerobic digestion occurs, and biogas/energy is generated. The Project Developers are the operators of the anaerobic digestion sites.
The only use of biogas eligible in the current version of the methodology is purifying biogas to biomethane and direct injection into the gas grid. Other uses may be considered on a case by case basis, if Project Developers provide sufficient proof that they 1) still adhere to the eligibility criteria and 2) have a rigorous, conservative GHG reduction quantification method for components that differ from the method described in the present document.
The only use of digestate eligible for carbon credits under this methodology is application to agricultural soils as an organic amendment and fertilizer. Such activities shall be credited with avoided synthetic mineral fertilizer production and use. If digestate is used in a different application, the project is still eligible for credits on the basis of their energy production activities.
One project corresponds to one anaerobic digestion site. It is not possible under this methodology to group multiple sites together as one project.
An anaerobic digestion site is defined as a site with one operations permit and shared infrastructure (e.g. digestion tanks, storage, and treatment facilities).
Only the activities at the biogas site that are deemed additional are part of the project scope.
Use of fossil fuels such as natural gas, oil, and coal are responsible for about of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and make up of GHG emissions within the energy sector. Alternative energy sources exist with far fewer GHGs emissions, but technological, economic, and administrative barriers prevent and limit their development.
Biogas is a renewable energy source that can be produced via several different pathways. One option is anaerobic digestion, where organic materials such as food waste, animal manure, and agricultural residues are broken down by microorganisms in an oxygen-free environment. Common uses of biogas include:
Injection: Purification of biogas to biomethane and directly injecting it into the gas network.
Cogeneration: Generation of electricity and heat by a biogas engine or turbine for a combined heat and power (CHP) system.
Heat only: Production of heat in a biogas boiler.
Transport: Compressed natural gas (BioCNG) and liquefied natural gas (BioLNG)
The second output of anaerobic digestion, digestate, is a material rich in organic matter and nutrients that is spread on agricultural fields.
have confirmed that using biogas from anaerobic digestion rather than energy from fossil fuels leads to reduced GHG emissions. Yet, biogas makes up a small share of energy consumption: in 2022 in Europe, more natural gas was used than biogas,.
Project developers shall demonstrate that they meet all eligibility criteria outlined in the Riverse Standard Rules and described below with a specific focus on biogas from anaerobic digestion.
Eligibility criteria that do not require specific methodology instructions are not described here. This includes:
Technology readiness level
Minimum impact
To demonstrate additionality, Project Developers shall perform regulatory surplus analysis, plus either investment or barrier analysis, using the Riverse Additionality Template.
Regulatory surplus analysis shall demonstrate that there are no regulations that require or mandate biogas production from anaerobic digestion. It is acceptable if regulations promote or set targets for biogas production, because the resulting increase in biogas production shall be accounted for in the baseline scenario (see GHG reduction quantification section).
At the European Union level, projects automatically pass the regulatory surplus analysis, which has been conducted by the Riverse Climate Team. Although the Renewable Energy Directive promotes biogas production/use, it does not require its production. Project Developers are only required to provide a country-level regulatory surplus analysis.
Investment analysis may be used to prove that revenue from carbon finance is necessary to make the new project investment a financially viable and interesting option. The investment may cover:
the development and launch of a brand new biogas site, or
an expansion to increase production capacity, such as adding new biogas digesters.
Business plans shall be provided as initial proof for investment analysis. During verification, audited financial statements shall be used to demonstrate that the initial estimates from the business plan were reasonable, and that carbon finance was used as initially described for the expected investment.
Note that for investments in expansion, only the additional carbon reductions enabled by the expansion shall be eligible for Riverse Carbon Credits.
Barrier analysis may be used to prove that the project faces financial, institutional, or technological barriers to ongoing operations that can only be overcome using carbon finance. Examples include but are not limited to:
Financial barrier: financial analysis proving that the project is operating at a loss, and carbon finance would make it financially viable.
Financial barrier: financial analysis demonstrating that the project is not financially viable, evidenced by net cash being lower than the working capital requirements, or proof that the project is not meeting the projected financial targets (e.g. IRR) in the business plans and loan documents, and that carbon finance would make it financially viable.
Institutional barrier: description of new regulation that the project must make costly changes to comply with, financial analysis showing that the project cannot fund the changes on their own, and carbon finance is necessary to make it viable.
For any type of barrier analysis, audited financial statements must be provided as proof. These documents should either demonstrate the financial status to prove financial barriers, or show that the project could not independently fund solutions to overcome institutional or technological barriers.
Project developers shall sign the Riverse MRV & Registry Terms & Conditions, committing to follow the requirements outlined in the Riverse Standard Rules, including not double using or double issuing carbon credits.
Projects shall comply with the requirements set out in the Riverse Double Counting Policy.
No additional measures for double issuance are required under this methodology, because double issuance among actors in the supply chain is unlikely.
Project Developers shall prove that their project provides at least 2 co-benefits from the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) framework (and no more than 4).
Common co-benefits of biogas from anaerobic digestion projects, and their sources of proof, are detailed in Table 1. Project Developers may suggest and prove other co-benefits not mentioned here.
SDG 13 on Climate Action by default is not considered a co-benefit here, since it is implicitly accounted for in the issuance of carbon credits. If the project delivers climate benefits that are not accounted for in the GHG reduction quantifications, then they may be considered as co-benefits.
Table 1 Summary of common co-benefits provided by electronic device refurbishing projects. Co-benefits are organized under the United Nation Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) framework.
SDG 7.2 Increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix
Promoting renewable energy over fossil fuel energy is important not only for reducing GHG emissions, but also for energy security, diversification, and conservation of finite resources. By definition, producing biogas from anaerobic digestion contributes to increasing the share of renewable energy in energy mixes.
Energy produced (kWh), from injection receipts from gas network.
SDG 8.2 Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technology upgrading and innovation
Anaerobic digestion sites, often managed by farmers, provide an opportunity for income diversification, helping small-scale farmers remain viable in a challenging agricultural landscape. This is particularly beneficial given the .
Fraction of farmer income from anaerobic digestion site operation.
SDG 8.4 Improve global resource efficiency in consumption and production
Almost of mineral nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer are used annually in the EU. Their production requires large amounts of fossil energy consumption and mining of finite resources. Anaerobic digestion recycles nutrients by converting agricultural residues into digestate, which returns nutrients to agricultural soils.
Amount of digestate applied to soils, calculations and conversions done in Riverse’s model.
SDG 12.2 - Achieve the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources
The project’s circularity will be measured by the Material Circularity Indicator (MCI), according to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation's methodology.
Primary data collected from the project for the GHG reduction quantification, which are also used in the Circularity Assessment.
SDG 12.5 - Reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse
Projects may use waste from agro-industrial processes as feedstock inputs, .
Records of feedstock inputs showing the amount of waste used.
SDG 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
Anaerobic digestion projects reduce emissions of methane, a GHG with an especially high climate change impact and global warming potential in the short-term. Climate change impacts over 100 years are used as the basis to calculate GHG reductions and issue carbon credits, but reducing climate change impacts in the short-term by reducing methane emissions is an additional climate co-benefit.
Percent GHG emission reduction compared to the baseline scenario using values.
15.1 Ensure the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems and their services
Energy cover crops can be grown and used for biogas production, and replace either bare soil or non-harvested cover crops. Compared to bare soil, energy cover crops can such as reduced nitrogen leaching, improved soil health, and soil carbon sequestration (which is not included in the GHG reduction quantification).
Records of feedstock inputs showing energy cover crops, plus justification that energy cover crops are managed in a sustainable way.
The biomethane generated and injected into the gas grid must be a valid substitute for natural gas, as modeled in the baseline scenario.
This is typically already required by energy companies that manage the gas network that the biomethane is injected into. Project Developers shall provide contracts with the relevant energy company, where clauses require the final product to meet specific characteristics making it substitutable for natural gas.
The co-product of anaerobic digestion, digestate, must be a valid substitute for mineral fertilizer, which digestate is assumed to replace in the baseline scenario. Numerous scientific studies have confirmed that digestate has a high fertilization value, sometimes . Fertilization value is largely dependent on nutrient concentration, which shall be measured via laboratory tests for a sample of digestate from each project.
The amount of mineral fertilizer avoided in the project scenario shall correspond to the nutrient content of the digestate (see the Project avoided mineral fertilizer section for more details). This ensures that digestate is modeled as a realistic substitute for mineral fertilizer based on project-specific data.
For example, if the digestate produced by a project has low nutrient concentration and low fertilization value, it will only be credited for avoiding a small amount of mineral fertilizer.
Project Developers shall prove that the project does not contribute to substantial environmental and social harms.
Projects must follow all European, national, and local environmental regulations related to, for example, anaerobic digestion management, feedstock storage, feedstock sourcing, digestate storage, and digestate spreading.
To be eligible under this methodology, projects shall use no more than 10% dedicated crops in their feedstock input mixture in the first year of the crediting period. This decreases to 5% in the second year, and 3% in the remaining years. This shall be monitored each year during the crediting period.
It is environmentally preferable to use waste, manure, and slurry as feedstocks rather than intermediate energy crops, but this may not be preferable to farmers/biogas producers for financial or productivity reasons. Although this methodology does not impose a strict threshold on intermediate energy crops in the feedstock mix, the example below highlights how biogas producers are incentivized to use waste, manure, and slurry as feedstocks.
Projects are incentivized to use manure and slurry as feedstocks because they are issued credits for avoided emissions thanks to improved storage conditions (see the Project Scenario Feedstock provisioning, transport and storage section and the Baseline Scenario Manure and slurry storage and spreading section). Different feedstocks lead to, on average:
0.065 tCO2eq avoided/tonne of cow manure
0.133 tCO2eq avoided/tonne of chicken manure
0.128 tCO2eq avoided/tonne of slurry
At the same time, use of intermediate energy crops leads to fewer issued credits because it causes the project to incur GHG emissions (see the Project Scenario Feedstock provisioning, transport and storage section). Across all intermediate energy crop categories considered in the GHG reduction quantification, the average emissions are
0.183 tCO2eq emitted/tonne of intermediate energy crop.
For example, if a project replaces 1,000 tonnes of intermediate energy crop by 1,000 tonnes of cow manure in their feedstock mix, this would result in 65 + 183 = 248 more Riverse Carbon Credits issued.
Project Developers shall fill in the Biogas from anaerobic digestion risk evaluation, to evaluate the identified environmental and social risks of projects,. The identified risks include:
Use of dedicated crops, leading to competition for food and agricultural land;
Reliance on energy crops rather than waste, manure, and/or slurry;
Distant transport of feedstock inputs (>100 km) leading to increased greenhouse gas emissions from transport;
Energy intensive processing;
Methane leaks from digestion process and storage facilities;
Leaching of runoff from manure, slurry or digestate storage, increasing eutrophication risks;
Leaching of excess nutrients from digestate spreading, increasing eutrophication risks;
Air quality, volatile odors from manure, slurry or digestate storage;
Landscape conversion from rural to industrial;
Workers health and safety.
There is a risk of activity shifting leakage related to biomass feedstock, potentially causing indirect land-use change (ILUC). This occurs when deforestation or conversion of natural ecosystems happens elsewhere to compensate for agricultural land lost to feedstock cultivation.
Project Developers shall determine and transparently communicate in the PDD the leakage risk from their biomass feedstock (see example below).
The risk level is based on the criteria for sustainable biomass and the definitions of low and high ILUC risk for biofuels, bioliquids, and biomass fuels.
Projects using less than 90% low ILUC risk feedstock inputs are ineligible for Riverse Carbon Credits.
Low ILUC risk biomass is defined as biomass that does not cause significant expansion into land with high carbon stock. This includes but is not limited to:
Wastes and residues
Manure, slurry
Agri-industry processing residues (e.g. sugar beet pulp)
Cover crops, catch crops, intermediate crops, and intercrops
rye, maize, sunflower, alfalfa, and triticale silage, from crops grown outside the main growing period
Bioenergy crops on marginal or degraded land
energy crops grown at any time of the year, if the Project Developer can prove that the land was unable to be cultivated in the past 5 years.
Feedstock inputs that are high ILUC risk include but are not limited to:
Whole-crop maize cultivated during the main growing season
Maize silage cultivated during the main growing season
The following examples demonstrate how to interpret a project's leakage risk from activity shifting.
In the first example below, the project demonstrates that 100% of the feedstock mix is categorized as low ILUC risk, so the project is eligible for Riverse Carbon Credits.
In the second example below, the project demonstrates that only 85% of the feedstock mix is categorized as low ILUC risk. This is below the 90% threshold stated above in, so the project is ineligible for Riverse Carbon Credits.
Example 1
Feedstock input
Amount (tonnes)
Percent of feedstock mix
Growing season
Low ILUC risk?
Cow manure
Sugar beet pulp
Sunflower silage energy crop
Summer (intermediate crop)
Example 2
Feedstock input
Amount (tonnes)
Percent of feedstock mix
Growing season
Low ILUC risk?
Whole-crop maize
Main crop
Silo juice
Rye silage energy crop
Summer (intermediate crop)
Maize silage energy crop
Late summer/fall (intermediate crop)
Leakage may occur when emissions are shifted upstream or downstream in the supply chain and outside the project’s direct scope. These emissions shall be included by default in the GHG reduction quantification, as part of the life-cycle approach. The upstream and downstream emissions included in the quantification are detailed in the Baseline scenario and Project scenario sections
Biogas from anaerobic digestion projects must prove that they lead to at least a 45% reduction in GHG emissions compared to the baseline scenario. This is aligned with the European Union’s 2040 Climate targets, as described in the Riverse Standard Rules.
The scope of the reduction is the system boundary used in GHG quantification, described in the Baseline scenario and Project scenario sections below.
This shall be proven using the GHG reduction quantification method described below.
This methodology covers projects that produce biogas from anaerobic digestion of agricultural products, residues and wastes. It includes both energy production from biogas and the production of digestate, a valuable organic amendment.
Methodology name
Biogas from anaerobic digestion
Methodology ID
Release date
October 30th, 2024
In use
Remove biogas torching parameter
Below impact threshold
May 2023
Define gas self consumption rate of 4%
GHG results not sensitive, simplify data collection
May 2023
Set digestate produced to 85% of the sum of feedstock input fresh mass
Precise values rarely available
May 2023
Add possibility to have digestate separated during storage, and during spreading
Improved accuracy
June 2023
Specify amounts and nutrient content of different phases of digestate (raw, liquid, solid)
Improved accuracy
June 2023
Remove transport of manure and slurry in baseline and project scenario
Assumed to be the same in both scenarios, no effect in a comparative LCA
June 2023
Add options for digestate transport via irrigation pipes or truck transport
Improved accuracy, more relevant options for Project Developers
June 2023
Calculate digestate storage methane emission rate based on residence time in digester, rather than fixed rate of 2% of biogas produced
Improved accuracy
July 2023
Updated parameter on amount of methane leaked during purification
Error in units conversion
September 2023
Add possibility for projects to provide their own data on methane leakage rates during purification, instead of standard leakage rate of 0.7% of biogas leaked
Improved accuracy, increased use of project specific data
October 2023
New section Monitoring Plan
Alignment with Standard Rules V6
March 2024
Add share of biogas in the grid to the baseline scenario
Alignment with Riverse Standard Rules V6 and increase conservativeness.
March 2024
Added equations for calculation GHG reductions
Increased transparency.
May 2024
Aligned terminology with ISO 14064-2:2019
Improved consistency with the voluntary carbon market. LCA principles still apply.
May 2024
Added risk assessment template for environmental and social do no harm
Provide more detailed and prescriptive assessment framework, clearer instructions for project developers.
May 2024
Removed text for sections that are the same for all methodologies:
Technology readiness level
Minimum impact
Independently verified
Repeated text from the Standard Rules.
May 2024
Added Monitoring Plan section
Alignment with Riverse Standard Rules V6.
May 2024
Remove Rebound Effect and Independently Validated criteria
Alignment with Riverse Standard Rules V6.
May 2024
Added uncertainty assessment section
Alignment with Riverse Standard Rules V6.
May 2024
Model infrastructure instead of full data collection, move under “Digestion and biomethane management” section
Simplification, results not sensitive to impacts
May 2024
Model activated carbon based on energy production, instead of direct data collection
Simplification, results not sensitive to impacts
May 2024
Change biomethane combustion methane emissions from fossil to biogenic
May 2024
Reintroduce transport of manure and slurry in baseline scenario
Completeness, often collected project transport distance anyway
May 2024
Add five different energy cover crop options, instead of a single proxy
Improved accuracy, increased use of project specific data
May 2024
New Leakage requirements
More rigorous eligibility criteria, and clear requirements and instructions for Project Developers (after public consultation)
July 2024
Include methane emissions from manure and slurry storage in project and baseline scenarios
Public consultation feedback, erroneously assumed previously that they are the same in project and baseline scenarios
July 2024
Create project scope requirements
Specify the project scope as one anaerobic digestion site
October 2024
Add minimum list of ESDNH risks
Align with Standard Rules V6.2
October 2024
List of ecoinvent 3.10 processes used in the GHG reduction quantification model
Energy crop: maize silage
maize silage production | maize silage | Cutoff, U, RoW
Energy crop: sunflower
market for sunflower silage | sunflower silage | Cutoff, U, GLO
Energy crop: rye grass
market for ryegrass silage | ryegrass silage | Cutoff, U, GLO
Energy crop: other grass silage
grass silage production, Swiss integrated production, intensive | grass silage, Swiss integrated production | Cutoff, U, CH
Energy crop: alfalfa, and triticale
alfalfa-grass mixture production, Swiss integrated production | alfalfa-grass mixture, Swiss integrated production | Cutoff, U, CH
wheat grain production | straw | Cutoff, U, RoW
Energy crop: whole corn
sweet corn production | sweet corn | Cutoff, U, RoW
Transport, truck
market for transport, freight, lorry 7.5-16 metric ton, EURO5 | transport, freight, lorry 7.5-16 metric ton, EURO5 | Cutoff, U, RER
market for electricity, medium voltage | electricity, medium voltage | Cutoff, U (geography set to project country)
Activated carbon
market for activated carbon, granular | activated carbon, granular | Cutoff, U, GLO
Nitrogen fertilizer
market group for inorganic nitrogen fertilizer, as N | inorganic nitrogen fertilizer, as N | Cutoff, U, RER
Potassium fertilizer
market group for inorganic potassium fertilizer, as K2O | inorganic potassium fertilizer, as K2O | Cutoff, U, RER
Phosphorus fertilizer
market group for inorganic phosphorus fertilizer, as P2O5 | inorganic phosphorus fertilizer, as P2O5 | Cutoff, U, RER
Biogas plant construction
anaerobic digestion plant construction, agriculture, with methane recovery | anaerobic digestion plant, agriculture, with methane recovery | Cutoff, U, RoW
Natural gas
natural gas, burned in gas turbine | natural gas, burned in gas turbine | Cutoff, U (geography set to project country)
market for biogas | biogas | Cutoff, U, RoW
market for biomethane, high pressure | biomethane, high pressure | Cutoff, U, RoW
General GHG reduction quantification rules can be found in the Riverse Standard Rules.
Calculations of GHG emissions for the baseline and project scenarios shall follow a robust, recognized method and good practice guidance. The overall methodological approach is a comparative life cycle assessment (LCA) at the project-scale, based on.
Biogas from anaerobic digestion projects are only eligible for avoidance Riverse Carbon Credits.
Biogas from anaerobic digestion projects have one shared universal main function: energy production.
Projects that use manure and/or slurry as feedstock inputs have an additional function: improved manure/slurry management, which leads to fewer GHG emissions during storage and spreading, and higher nutrient availability reducing the need for mineral fertilizers.
The baseline scenario represents the functionally equivalent set of activities that would occur in the absence of the project. Therefore, the baseline scenario includes:
conventional energy production (mix of fossil fuels and biogas already present in the energy mix).
If the project uses manure and/or slurry, the baseline scenario also includes:
conventional manure and slurry management with higher GHG emissions, and
avoided mineral fertilizer production from manure and slurry application.
If the only function of the project is energy production, the functional unit is 1 GWh of energy delivered.
If the project uses manure and/or slurry as feedstock inputs, then the functional unit is 1 GWh of energy delivered plus the management and use of the equivalent amount of manure/slurry.
The required primary data for GHG reduction calculations from projects are presented in Table 2. These data shall be included in the project’s Project Design Document (PDD) and made publicly available.
Table 2 Summary of primary data needed from projects and their source for initial project certification and validation. Asterisks (*) indicate which data are required to be updated annually during verification (see Monitoring Plan section).
Source proof
Amount and type of feedstock used*
tonne of fresh matter
Track records from the biogas site
Average weighted distance for transporting each feedstock type from its source until the biogas site
Track records from the biogas site; map with the two points location and distance
Average number of days manure and slurry are kept stored, if applicable (optional)
On-site electricity consumption during the reference year*
Electricity bills
The external volume of the site's main digester
Licensing or design official document containing this parameter
Biomethane injected into the grid
m³ and GWh
Gas grid injection receipts
Digestate covered during storage
Any official document containing this parameter or estimates based on the volume of each storage facility
Repartition of solid, liquid and raw digestate stored and spread*
Records of digestate sales plus description of if/how digestate is separated
Whether leaks are recovered and recirculated during purification
Any official document containing this parameter
Efficiency of purification process (optional)
Percent of methane released with offgas
Machinery technical specifications
Average number of days that feedstock spends in the digester (residence time)
Any official document containing this parameter or estimates
Nitrogen (total N), potassium (K2O) and phosphorus (P2O5) content in the digestate, per digestate type
kg/tonne of material
Official laboratory tests
Average distance that digestate is transported by road transport, per digestate type
Track records from the biogas site; map with the two points location and distance
Secondary data taken from the literature are used to define default values, or provide conversion rates, to obtain the following elements:
Nitrogen, dry matter content, and biochemical methane potential (BMP) of cow and chicken manure and slurry (Table 3);
Percentage of Nitrogen in manure, slurry and different types of digestate (raw, liquid and solid) lost as N2O during storage (Table 3);
Rate of N2O emissions per kg of manure, slurry, digestate, and mineral fertilizer spread on agricultural fields (Table 3 and Table 6);
Amount of N, K2O and P2O5 mineral fertilizer avoided per tonne of manure and slurry
Average number of days manure and slurry are stored in the baseline scenario;
Characteristics of methane, biogas and biomethane;
Leakage rates of methane throughout the biogas production from digestion, purification, boiler for internal use, injection and distribution;
Percent of biogas produced that is used internally;
Emission rates of methane and N2O from combustion of biomethane, in kg/MJ;
Amount and density of digestate produced from feedstock inputs;
Gas mix in the baseline scenario, considering the market shares for natural gas, biomethane and biogas;
These values and their sources are provided in the Assumptions section.
The (hereafter referred to as ecoinvent) shall be the main source of emission factors unless otherwise specified. Ecoinvent is preferred because it is traceable, reliable, and well-recognized. The ecoinvent processes selected are detailed in Appendix 1.
Feedstock inputs that are categorized as waste come with no impacts from their production or first life. They enter the project system boundary during the transport to the biogas site. This includes inputs such as manure, slurry, silo grain residue, spent beer grains, recirculated digestate, or damaged produce that can’t be sold.
In the baseline scenario, the transport distance for manure and/or slurry collection to the storage and use point is .
Emissions of N2O and methane due to manure and slurry storage before the digestion process are linearly related to the amount of days manure and slurry are stored on site. If Project Developers do not have an estimation of this value, an average of 15 days is assumed. In the baseline scenario, this is assumed to be 180 days.
Emissions of N2O from slurry storage, in the project scenario, are that they can be excluded. This is because N2O emissions from slurry storage are generally small, plus the shortened storage duration in the project scenario minimizes them further.
Manure and slurry from pigs, horses, sheep, and other animals are modeled using the same characteristics as cow manure. Only chicken manure is treated differently, due to its high nitrogen content (Table 3).
Buildings and main infrastructure at the biogas site have an assumed lifetime of 20 years. Infrastructure amounts are modeled and extrapolated from the main digester exterior volume (m³) to simplify data collection, after numerous certification projects showed small impacts from infrastructure (1-2% of project life cycle GHG emissions). The ecoinvent process for the anaerobic digestion plant present in Appendix 1 is used, considering 1 m³ of digester volume annually.
Activated carbon used for biogas purification is modeled using a ratio of 0.2 tonnes of activated carbon/GWh of energy produced. The value was taken from biogas projects previously certified by Riverse, and results are not sensitive to changes in this value.
In the project scenario, the amount of biogas self-consumed for onsite heating is assumed to be 4%. Results are not sensitive to changes in this value, which can regularly vary from 2-6% according to previous project data.
The mass of digestate produced is estimated to be 85-95% of the mass of feedstock inputs. A is often considered, according to the literature, expert partner consultation, and a sample of projects’ applications for environmental licenses, where they must do a detailed estimate of digestate production (“Facilities classified for environmental protection”, in French Installations classées pour la protection de l'environnement, ICPE). A conservative value of 85% was chosen. Indeed, the annual amount of digestate produced is not measured at project sites. Rather, sites measure the amount sold. Due to temporal, seasonal restrictions on when digestate can be spread, the amount sold over one calendar year does not correspond to the amount produced in that year. Records of digestate sold are still collected from project developers to validate that this is a reasonable approximation.
Methane emissions during digestate storage are reduced when the digestate is covered (e.g. airtight covers on tanks, not piles of solid digestate under a roof or rain covers). It is assumed that covers.
Nutrient availability in digestate, manure and slurry is . For example, 1 kg of nitrogen applied to soils in digestate is assumed to substitute 1 kg of mineral nitrogen fertilizer.
Table 3a Summary of cow and chicken manure characteristics (from unless otherwise stated).
Fresh matter as nitrogen (%)
Dry matter in manure (%)
-Dry matter as nitrogen (%)
Nitrogen lost as N2O per 180 days of storage (%)
Rate of N2O released from manure spreading (kgN2O/t of manure spread)
Methane emissions during storage (as % of BMP)
Table 3b Summary of slurry characteristics (from unless otherwise stated).
Dry matter in slurry (%)
Dry matter as nitrogen (%)
Nitrogen lost as N2O per 180 days of storage (%)
Rate of N2O released from slurry spreading (kgN2O/t of manure spread)
Methane emissions during storage (as % of BMP)
The project scenario consists of anaerobic digestion, which serves three functions: 1) biomethane production, 2) digestate production, and if the project uses manure or slurry as a feedstock, 3) improved manure/slurry management. This process is broken down into 4 life cycle stages, displayed in Figure 1:
Feedstock provisioning, transport, and storage;
Digestion and biomethane management;
Digestate storage and spreading;
Avoided fertilizer production.
Project Developers shall provide the amount of each type of feedstock input used annually in tonnes of fresh matter.
Feedstock input types considered in the model include several types of energy cover crops, straw, whole-grain corn crops, manure, slurry, recirculated digestate, and various agro-industrial waste/by-products.
The production and cultivation impacts from non-waste feedstock inputs are modeled using the ecoinvent processes outlined in Appendix 1. These include dedicated crops, energy cover crops, and straw.
Project Developers shall provide the distance that feedstock inputs are transported from their origin to the site. Transport is assumed to be done by truck (see ecoinvent process in Appendix 1). When there are multiple sources of a feedstock, the average weighted distance for each feedstock type shall be used.
Manure and slurry may be stored onsite for several days or weeks if they cannot be added to the digester immediately upon their delivery to the biogas site. During this storage period, methane and N2O are emitted linearly over time. When they are stored for 180 days (a conventional non-biogas scenario), 2% of its nitrogen is emitted as N2O, plus some methane expressed as a fraction of BMP (Table 3). Manure is stored at biogas sites for fewer days than in a conventional scenario, which results in fewer N2O and methane emissions. The ratio of average days manure and slurry are stored at the biogas site, to the average storage duration of 180 days, is detailed in Table 3 (see example in the box below).
For example, if manure is stored at the biogas site 18 days on average before being added to the digester, this represents 10% of the average 180 days of conventional manure storage. As shown in Table 3, when manure is stored for 180 days:
2% of its nitrogen is emitted as N2O, and
1.5% of its BMP is emitted as methane.
When this storage time is shortened to 18 days in the biogas scenario, (10% of the conventional storage duration):
the nitrogen emission rate is reduced to 0.2% (10% of 2%), and
the methane emission rate is reduced to 0.15% of BMP (10% of 1.5%).
Project Developers rarely have detailed receipts and tracking proof of feedstock inputs, even if they informally manage this very precisely for operations. In the absence of proof, calculations are used here to cross check expected biogas production from the given feedstock inputs vs the actual amount of biogas produced. Project Developers shall calculate the expected annual biogas production using the biochemical methane potential (BMP) of the sum of each feedstock input, available in (Equation 6). The calculated expected methane produced value should be of the actual methane produced value based on injection receipts, calculated in the following section in Equation 11. Discrepancy here suggests high uncertainty which may result in a higher discount factor (see Uncertainty Assessment section).
Project Developers shall provide the amount of electricity used onsite annually, in kWh/year, and the electricity source (e.g. grid or onsite solar). A black-box approach is used for electricity consumption, and only the total amount of electricity used on-site is required (i.e. not broken down into different uses).
Leakages of methane throughout the project steps are calculated using leakage rates from the literature, and are summarized in Table 4. Even though modern anaerobic digestion plants only leak small amounts of methane, they can represent . Project sites have sensors to measure large, exceptional methane leaks, but the amounts considered in the GHG reduction quantification are below the threshold of most sensors.
Table 4 Rates of methane and biogas leakage from different steps in the project scenario, based on volume of gas.
Leak rate as percent of methane produced
0.5% biogas produced leaked by volume
page 36
Boiler leakage
0.25% internally used methane by volume leaked from the boiler
page 35, assuming 4% biogas produced used internally
Purification of gas
Project data, or
default value of 0.7%, or
of methane produced by volume
page 38
0.1% input biomethane leaked by volume
page 76
0.13% input biomethane leaked by volume
Table 52
Project Developers should provide methane leakage rates from offgas during the purification step. This is typically provided in technical documents or contracts for purification machinery. If this value is not available, a default leakage rate of 0.7% of methane by volume will be used. If offgas is captured and used, this value may be zero.
The amount of biogas self-consumed in a boiler for onsite heating is assumed to be 4% (see Assumptions section).
The biogas and biomethane characteristics presented in Table 5 are used.
Table 5 Characteristics of biogas and biomethane
Lower heating value (LHV) (MJ/m³)
Methane content (% volume)
The amount of activated carbon used in purification is estimated to be 0.2 tonnes/GWh of energy produced (see Assumptions section). Other processes related to purification were excluded, given that they are consistently .
The most impactful direct emissions from the biomethane combustion step were taken from Table 53 in . This includes 4.93e-7 kg N2O/MJ biomethane, and 1.96E-06 kg biogenic CH4/MJ biomethane.
All infrastructure and machinery are included in this step, even if some are actually used for digestate or feedstock storage described in other sections.
Infrastructure and machinery are modeled in ecoinvent with a process that includes production, transport and disposal of the main materials for an agricultural biogas plant (see Appendix 1). The ecoinvent process represents a site with a main digester of 500 m3.
Project Developers shall provide the external volume of their site’s main digester, in m3. This is used to adjust the amount of the ecoinvent infrastructure and machinery process used. For example, if the project’s main digester has a volume of 250 m3, it will only be assigned half of the impacts modeled in the ecoinvent process.
It is assumed that infrastructure has a lifetime of 20 years. This means that for calculating impacts of 1 year of operations of the project, infrastructure and machinery will be allocated 1/20th of their total impacts.
The amount of digestate produced annually is estimated to be 85% of the mass of feedstock inputs (see the Assumptions section).
Project Developers shall provide the repartition of digestate types (raw, liquid, and/or solid phase) that are stored and spread. If the repartition is different for the storage and spreading stages (e.g. stored raw, spread as liquid and solid), then the repartition that leads to higher project emissions shall be applied to all digestate management, in order to maintain a conservative approach. Data shall come from the repartition of digestate types sold annually.
For example, if 6000 tonnes of feedstock inputs are used annually, the assumed total amount of digestate produced is 6000*85% = 5100 tonnes of digestate.
If the digestate is not separated into liquid and solid phases, then raw digestate storage and spreading is considered, with the relevant raw digestate emission rates.
If the digestate is separated, then sales data will be used to determine the repartition of solid and liquid digestate (sales data do not represent production data, as described in the Assumptions section).
If the project sells 4500 tonnes of liquid digestate and 500 tonnes of solid digestate annually, then the ratio is 90% liquid and 10% solid. Then, according to the production value of 6000 tonnes, we would assume that 90% liquid (5400 tonnes) and 10% solid (600 tonnes) digestate was produced.
Project Developers shall provide an estimate of the residence time, (the number of days feedstock spends in the digester).
Methane emissions during digestate storage are calculated as a function of residence time in the digester and percent of methane produced that is emitted, as illustrated in Figure 10.1 of . The linear regression equation obtained from that dataset is presented in Eq. 21, and shall be used to predict methane leakage rates from digestate storage for a given project’s residence time.
It is assumed that storing digestate under airtight covers reduces methane emissions from storage by 80%. Project Developers shall report what fraction of their digestate storage is covered vs. uncovered.
Nitrous oxide emissions from digestate storage are calculated using 1) the amount of digestate stored, 2) the nitrogen content of digestate, provided by Project Developers in the form of laboratory analyses and 3) emission rates from the literature, summarized in Table 6.
Table 6 Percent of nitrogen present in digestate that is emitted as N2O from and .
Raw, liquid, and solid
Digestate transport from the biogas site to the farm for spreading is included when this transport is done by truck. No impacts are included for transport via irrigation pipeline, assuming that they would be below the impact threshold.
Nitrous oxide emissions from digestate spreading on soil is calculated using 1) the amount of digestate spread (which may differ from the amount stored if some digestate is recirculated as feedstock), 2) the nitrogen content of digestate, provided by Project Developers in the form of laboratory analyses and 3) an emission rate of 1% of nitrogen added to soils in digestate is lost in N2O, according to the .
The project is credited with avoiding synthetic mineral fertilizer production thanks to digestate spreading. This is because the project is multifunctional and makes a co-product digestate, which is treated using the common LCA practice of system expansion and substitution[48].
Project Developers shall provide the nutrient contents of all digestate types, measuring total N, P2O5, and K2O.
Amount of digestate spread is described and calculated in the previous section.
As described in the Assumptions section, nutrient availability in digestate is equivalent to that of mineral fertilizer, so for example spreading 1 kg of P2O5 from digestate is modeled as substituting the production of 1 kg of P2O5 mineral fertilizer production.
Along with avoiding nitrogen fertilizer production, digestate spreading also avoids N2O emissions from fertilizer spreading. These are calculated using the amount of nitrogen avoided by digestate, and nitrogen emission rates from mineral fertilizers, which equals 1% of applied N emitted as N2O.
The baseline scenario represents the GHG emissions that would occur without the project. It includes functionally equivalent processes that provide the same products/services as the Project Scenario.
As described in the Project Scenario section, the project delivers the following products/services, with their corresponding baseline scenario processes:
Biomethane production and injection into the gas grid: this is assumed to replace the average market mix of gas from the grid, primarily natural gas, with a fraction of biomethane and biogas already present in the mix.
Digestate production: this is assumed to replace synthetic mineral fertilizer production and application, which is already considered within the project scenario using system expansion and substitution (see Project avoided fertilizer section). It is not considered in the baseline scenario.
Manure and slurry management (if the project uses manure and/or slurry): this is assumed to replace conventional manure and slurry storage and spreading, which includes emissions from storage, and avoided mineral fertilizer production.
The baseline scenario includes 1 to 3 life cycle stages, depending on the project operations, displayed in Figure 2:
Energy production
Manure and slurry storage and spreading (if the project uses manure and/or slurry)
Avoided fertilizer production and use (if the project uses manure and/or slurry)
If the project injects biomethane into the gas grid, the baseline scenario is the market mix of gasses in the national gas supply. This shall include the share of biogas and biomethane already used at the national level.
Natural gas, biogas and biomethane production are modeled using ecoinvent processes detailed in Appendix 1. For natural gas, the process includes all upstream impacts of gas extraction, production, distribution, and combustion in a gas turbine. Biogas and biomethane processes include their production, and combustion was excluded assuming its impact would be very small because they are not fossil fuels.
The total amount of gas considered in the baseline scenario shall equal the amount of energy from biomethane injected by the project biogas site (provided by Project Developers), minus the calculated amount of biomethane lost during the distribution stage, in MJ.
The total amount of gas in the baseline scenario shall be broken down into the amount of natural gas, biogas and biomethane using data from Eurostat datasets covering and consumption. An example is provided below.
For example, for France, gas consumption for 2022 (the most recent year where complete data are available in Eurostat) shows that 1,570,871 m3 of natural gas and 68,736 m3 of biogasses were consumed. This corresponds to 96% natural gas and 4% biogasses. As a result, 1 MJ of biomethane injected by the project is assumed to replace 0.96 MJ of natural gas and 0.04 MJ of biogas.
If data are available on the national repartition of biogasses, the latter amount may be further specified. For example, in France in 2021, were produced. This repartition can be applied to the 0.04 MJ of biogasses mentioned above, to obtain 0.015 MJ of biogas and 0.025 MJ of biomethane.
If heat and/or electricity are exported by the project instead of gas injection, the baseline scenario shall include the national mixes of heat and/or electricity, based on Eurostat data for the most recent year (or data of a similar high-quality source). The amount of heat and/or electricity in the baseline scenario shall equal the equivalent amount of energy from heat and/or electricity exported from the project scenario to the grid/external industrial processes (i.e. excluding the amount that is self consumed).
If manure or slurry are not used as feedstock inputs at the biogas site, then this section is the only component of the baseline scenario.
This stage shall only be included in the baseline scenario if the biogas project uses manure or slurry as a feedstock input.
This stage includes N2O and methane emissions from manure/slurry storage and spreading, and GHG emissions from transport.
Project Developers shall provide the amount of manure and/or slurry used as feedstock inputs annually, in tonnes of fresh matter.
Project Developers shall specify if manure is from poultry vs any other type of animal. Manure from pigs, horses, sheep, and other animals are modeled using the same characteristics as cow manure, as described in the Assumptions section. Because poultry slurry is uncommon, all slurry is modeled as cow slurry.
Nitrogen content, N2O emission factors, and methane emission rates from storage and spreading for manure and slurry are summarized in Table 3.
This stage shall only be included in the baseline scenario if the biogas project uses manure or slurry as a feedstock input.
This stage is included to ensure that both the impacts and benefits of manure and slurry management are accounted for in the baseline scenario. It conservatively accounts for the tradeoff between diverting manure and slurry from use as organic soil amendments to biogas production. This , due to manure and slurry being used as organic soil amendments.
Similar to the Project avoided fertilizer section, it is assumed that nutrient availability is the same between manure/slurry and mineral fertilizer. For example, 1 kg of P2O5 from manure is modeled as substituting the production of 1 kg of P2O5 mineral fertilizer production.
Avoided N2O emissions are the same as in the Project avoided fertilizer section.
Project Developers shall provide the amounts of manure and slurry used as feedstock inputs, and values from the literature shall be used for converting to amounts of synthetic fertilizer avoided (Table 7).
Table 7 Rates of avoided synthetic fertilizer production and use, from manure and slurry use as organic soil amendments in the baseline scenario ().
Nitrogen (N)
Potassium (K2O)
Phosphorus (P2O5)
Avoided GHG emissions are calculated by subtracting the sum of the project scenario GHG emissions from the sum of the baseline GHG scenario emissions.
See general instructions for uncertainty assessment in the Riverse Standard Rules. The outcome of the assessment shall be used to determine the percent of avoided emissions to eliminate with the .
The assumptions that are estimated to have high uncertainty (i.e. high variability and high impact) are:
The amount of digestate produced is estimated from 85-95% of feedstock input weight. A conservative assumption of 85% was taken.
Digestate stored in a covered area with gas recovery has 20% of gasses leaked
The assumptions that are estimated to have medium uncertainty are:
Nutrient availability in digestate is equivalent to that of mineral fertilizer
The assumptions that are estimated to have low uncertainty are:
Waste feedstock inputs come with no production impacts.
The distance for waste feedstock collection of manure and/or slurry in the baseline scenario is assumed to be 10 km).
In case Project Developers do not have an estimation of days manure is stored onsite, an average of 15 days is considered. In the baseline scenario, this is assumed to be 180 days.
N2O emissions from slurry storage are generally small and, therefore, excluded from the project scenario’s GHG assessment.
Manure and slurry from pigs, horses, sheep, and other animals are modeled considering the same characteristics as cow manure.
In the project scenario, buildings and main infrastructure have a lifetime of 20 years and overall infrastructure impact based on the external volume of the main digester, leading to grouping infrastructure equipment and network into the same category rather than assessing specific equipment's impacts.
Activated carbon used by the project is accounted for in a ratio of 0.2 t/GWh of energy produced .
The amount of biogas self-consumed is assumed to be 4%
The baseline scenario selection has low uncertainty and is mostly standardized. It accounts for project-specific information regarding the amount of biomethane injected into the gas grid, type of feedstock, quality of digestate, and national gas market share statistics.
Numerous equations and models are used in this methodology and have low uncertainty:
Most are basic conversions that have been taken from the scientific literature, especially , which is a rigorous, detailed LCA of biomethane production that underwent critical review and was published by INRAE Transfert, a subsidiary of the French National Institute for Research in Agronomics.
The linear regression model from has medium uncertainty
Estimates and secondary data used in this methodology have varying levels of uncertainty and are assessed in Table 8.
The uncertainty at the methodology level is estimated to be low. This translates to an expected discount factor of at least 3% for projects under this methodology.
Table 8 Presentation of all secondary data and estimates used, and an assessment of their uncertainty.
Chicken manure fresh matter as nitrogen (%)
Table 3
The rate of fresh matter as nitrogen contained in chicken manure was taken from a study conducted in 2015. There is low uncertainty in this data sample since chicken feed patterns are assumed to not have significantly changed.
Cow manure and slurry dry matter and nitrogen content
Table 3
These values come from Table 18. Their source was internal expertise and databases from the French National Institute for Research in Agronomics (INRAE), which is expected to have high quality data for these values that are relatively simple to measure. That study underwent critical review. Uncertainty is low.
Nitrogen lost as N2O during manure and slurry storage (%)
Table 3, Table 6
These values come from , Table 34 and 37. Their source was . These are estimated to be reputable scientific sources, but due to the sensitivity of this value, it is estimated to have medium uncertainty.
Rate of N2O released from manure and slurry spreading (kgN2O/t of manure)
Table 3
These values come from, Tables 35 and 38 and were calculated in the study. This is estimated to be a reputable scientific source, but due to the sensitivity of this value, it is estimated to have medium uncertainty.
Nitrogen lost as N2O during digestate, storage (%)
Table 6
These values come from, Table 18. Their source was . These are estimated to be reputable scientific sources, but due to the sensitivity of this value, it is estimated to have medium uncertainty.
Nitrogen lost as N2O during digestate, spreading (%)
Table 6
This value comes from the . Although it is a reputable source, the value taken is a highly generalized global average and actually depends on soil and climatic factors. It is estimated to have medium uncertainty.
Lower heating value of biogas and biomethane (MJ/m³)
Table 5
These characteristics come from the ecoinvent database and International Energy Agency, both of which are reliable sources. Biomethane LHV has low uncertainty since it is a consistent value, but biogas LHV has high uncertainty since the gas content, and therefore energy content, of biogas is variable.
Density (kg/m³)
Equation 4, 12 and 22
Methane density was obtained from a textbook on anaerobic digestion, and has low uncertainty.
Methane content (% volume)
Table 5
Methane percentages in biogas and biomethane were taken from the European Biogas Association. Biomethane has low uncertainty since it is a consistent value, but biogas has high uncertainty since its composition is variable.
Biomethane combustion N2O and CH4 emission rates
These values come from , Table 53, and results are not sensitive to them. They are estimated to have low uncertainties.
Leakage rates in the digestion, purification, boiler, injection and distribution process (%)
Table 4
These values come from There is high uncertainty in this data sample. Even though the study is recent and uses reliable data, leakages depend on project-specific factors such as the site design and age. Projects certified under Riverse's biogas methodology are considerably new (built after 2018), which justifies adopting the values for recently built sites from the data sample.
Manure and slurry avoided fertilizer (kg/tonne)
Table 7
The amount of N, K2O, and P2O5 avoided fertilizer per tonne of manure and slurry used in the baseline scenario was taken from the , Tables 35 and 38. There is low uncertainty in these data samples.
Baseline grid gas mix
In the baseline scenario, the mix of gasses for energy production is taken from national gas grid market shares from the Eurostat database. These data are estimated to have medium uncertainty, because the most recent data available are from 2022, and because of inherent uncertainty and compatibility issues inherent in such macro, national data.
Projects that reduce GHG emissions and are issued Riverse Carbon Credits typically also contribute to a circular economy. The assessment of a project's circularity is considered under the co-benefits criteria and represents the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number 12.2.
The Material Circularity Indicator (MCI) is the selected measure of circularity, due to its comprehensive assessment of material flows and alignment with global standards, notably established by The Ellen MacArthur Foundation.
The MCI examines the mass of material flows throughout a product's lifecycle. It evaluates how efficiently materials circulate within a closed-loop system, assigning “more circular” scores to systems that minimize waste and optimize resource reuse. The formula uses input parameters such as material feedstock amount and type (e.g. from recycled, reused, or biological sources), recycling rates, and lifespan extension potential to quantify a product's circularity.
A detailed description and formulas for calculating the MCI are documented in the dedicated , on pages 22 to 31 (following the Product-level Methodology under the Whole product approach). Figure 3 summarizes the MCI material flows for biogas and natural gas production.
The MCI is a unitless indicator that varies from 0 to 1, where 0 represents a fully linear product and 1 is fully circular. The project scenario MCI is compared to the baseline scenario MCI, measuring how much more circular the project scenario is than the baseline.
The MCI methodology has been applied to biogas production using the input data presented in Table 9.
Figure 3 Summarized representation of the MCI material flows. *Energy recovery as part of a circular strategy only applies to biological materials following the MCI's conditions.
Table 9 All variables needed to calculate the Material Circularity Indicator (MCI) for the Riverse Biogas from anaerobic digestion methodology are detailed below. The full methodology and equations can be found in the dedicated .
Mass of a product
Total mass (kg) of gas produced, calculated based on the GWh of energy input into the gas grid in the project scenario according to:
represents the mass of gas produced in one year, calculated based on the number of Functional Units produced (GWh) in the base year and the gas' LHV in kWh/m³.
represents the amount of GWh injected into the grid, from the gas grid injection receipts.
represents the gas calorific value, in kWh/m³. This is assumed to be 10, converted from Table 5.
represents the biomethane density, in kg/m³, which is assumed 0.75 kg/m³.
In the project scenario, the digestate produced shall also be considered in the final product weight as it has economic value. Thus,
represents the product's final mass in the project scenario, calculated based on M and the amount of fertilizer thanks to the use of digestate.
represents the amount of digestate produced. This is calculated according to the amount of feedstock input, according to Eq.2, in kg (without considering the transport emission factor).
Fraction of mass of a product's feedstock from recycled sources
Assumed zero
Fraction of mass of a product's feedstock from reused sources
Assumed zero
Fraction of a product's biological feedstock from Sustained production.
In the project scenario, feedstock is of biological origin except dedicated crops. According to Riverse's biogas methodology section 2.4, projects must adhere to specific limitations when using dedicated crops as feedstock. Consequently, dedicated crops are deemed "virgin" to not benefit from biological feedstock circularity.
The market gas mix is composed of natural gas, biomethane, and biogas. It is assumed that biological feedstock is used in biogas and biomethane, but not in natural gas production. Thus, Fs in the baseline scenario is the sum of the fraction of biogas and biomethane in the grid.
Material that is not from reuse, recycling or biological material from sustained production.
The amount of virgin materials used in the project scenario is the equivalent of dedicated crops used.
All the input materials, except the fraction related to biogas/biomethane described above, are considered virgin as no reuse, recycled, or biological materials are assumed in a status quo scenario.
Fraction of mass of a product being collected to go into a recycling process
Assumed zero because after the gas and digestate use, no product is left for recycling.
Fraction of mass of a product going into component reuse
Assumed zero as, after the gas use, no product is left for reuse except digestate in the project scenario (which is considered in the composting process below).
Fraction of mass of a product being collected to go into a composting process
This fraction represents the amount of digestate relative to the total mass of the final product
Although the fraction of biogas and biomethane in the baseline scenario generate digestate, the amount would be very small, and does not have a significant impact on the MCI. Thus, it is excluded from the calculation.
Fraction of mass of a product being collected for energy recovery where the material satisfies the requirements for inclusion
This fraction represents the amount of biomethane relative to the total mass of the final products ().
Energy recovery as part of a circular strategy only applies to biological materials, according to the MCI methodology. This value is assumed to be zero for natural gas. Thus, the final value considered is the sum of the fraction of biogas and biomethane in the grid.
Mass of unrecoverable waste through a product's material going into landfill, waste to energy and any other type of process where the materials are no longer recoverable
Following the MCI calculation methodology, this value is zero as all final product mass can be recovered.
Following the MCI calculation methodology, this value is equal to the mass of the final product (M) minus the fraction of biogas and biomethane in the grid.
Efficiency of the recycling process used for the portion of a product collected for recycling
Not considered as no recycled material is used.
Mass of unrecoverable waste generated in the process of recycling parts of a product
Not considered as no recycled material is used.
Efficiency of the recycling process used to produce recycled feedstock for a product
Not considered as no recycled material is used.
Mass of unrecoverable waste generated when producing recycled feedstock for a product
Not considered as no recycled material is used.
Mass of unrecoverable waste associated with a product
Following the MCI calculation methodology, this value is zero as all the final product mass can be recovered.
Following the MCI calculation methodology, this value is equal to the mass of the final product (M) minus the fraction of biogas/biomethane.
Linear flow index (LFI)
Varies from 0 to 1, where 1 is a completely linear flow and 0 is a completely restorative flow. In a circular project, the LFI shall be closer to zero, while the baseline shall be closer to 1.
Actual average lifetime of a product
Biomethane shall have similar properties to natural gas to be injected into the gas grid. It is assumed that the actual average lifetime of the product in both scenarios is equivalent, and therefore doesn’t affect the comparative calculations. It is assumed to be 1.
Average lifetime of an industry-average product of the same type
Actual average number of achieved during the use phase of a product
Biomethane shall have similar properties to natural gas to be injected into the gas grid. It is assumed that the actuarial average number of functional units of the product in both scenarios is equivalent, and therefore doesn’t affect the comparative calculations. It is assumed to be 1.
Average number of functional units achieved during the use phase of an industry-average product of the same type
Utility of a product (function of the product's lifespan and intensity of use)
Following the MCI methodology calculation, this is equal to 1.
Material Circularity Indicator of a product
Varies from 0 to 1, where 0 represents a fully linear product and 1 is fully circular.
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represents the sum of GHG emissions due to feedstock type i production, in kgCOeq.
represents the amount of feedstock type i, in tonnes of fresh matter, for non-waste feedstock only.
represents the emission factor of feedstock type i production in kgCOeq/tonne. Refer to for the ecoinvent process used.
represents the sum of GHG emissions due to feedstock transport, in kgCOeq.
represents the sum of feedstock type weight, in tonnes, for all feedstocks regardless of waste status (waste or non-waste).
represents the distance of the feedstock collection, in kilometers.
represents the emission factor of truck transport in kgCOeq/t.km. Refer to Appendix 1 for the ecoinvent process used.
represents the sum of GHG emissions from NO due to the storage of manure type i (chicken or cow) in the project scenario, in kgCOeq.
represents the mass of manure type i used as feedstock in the project scenario, in kg.
represents the percent of manure mass as nitrogen.
represents the rate of nitrogen emitted as NO from conventional manure storage of 180 days. According to Table 3, this equals 2%.
represents the number of days manure is kept stored in the project scenario. A default value of 15 days can be assumed if no project data is available. 180 represents the conventional manure storage duration of 180 days.
represents the conversion of nitrogen to NO equivalents by multiplying by the ratio of their molecular mass (1.57).
represents the global warming potential of NO over 100 years, which is .
represents the emissions of methane from storage of manure and/or slurry
is explained in equation 2, and only applies to manure and slurry
represents the biomethane potential of feedstock type , in nm of CH per tonne of fresh matter, presented in Table 3.
represents methane emissions during storage as % of BMP, presented in Table 3.
represents the methane density, which is kg/m³.
was described in Equation 3.
represents the global warming potential of biogenic CH over 100 years, which is kgCOeq/kg CH
represents the sum of GHG emissions due to feedstock production, transport, and if applicable, manure storage.
represents the expected amount of methane produced during the reference year in m³. This value is cross checked against the actual from Equation 11 to evaluate the validity and uncertainty in reported feedstock input amounts and types (see description above).
is explained in Eq.4.
This step calculates the GHG emissions from anaerobic digestion and biomethane management ().
represents the sum of GHG emissions due to on-site electricity consumption, in kgCOeq.
represents the total on-site electricity consumption, in kWh.
represents the emission factor for electricity, in kgCOeq/kWh. Refer to Appendix 1 for the ecoinvent process used.
_r_epresents the sum of GHG emissions due to on-site activated carbon consumption, in kgCOeq.
represents the weight of activated carbon used per GWh of energy produced, which is assumed to be 0.2 tonnes/GWh.
represents the GWh of energy produced by the project annually.
represents the emission factor for activated carbon, in kgCOeq/kg. Refer to Appendix 1 for the ecoinvent process used
represents the sum of GHG emissions due to infrastructure and machinery manufacture, transport and end of life, in kgCOeq.
represents the emission factor of an anaerobic digestion site's infrastructure and machinery. It is modeled for a site with a main digester exterior volume of 500 m. Refer to Appendix 1for the ecoinvent process used.
represents the volume of the project site's main digester, in m³. It is divided by 500 m to obtain the fraction of the ecoinvent process impacts to assign to the project
represents the assumed site lifetime, and is used to normalize infrastructure and machinery impacts to 1 year.
represents the total amount of methane losses in the system, as a percentage of total volume of methane produced.
represents the percentage of biogas produced that is leaked during the digestion process. This value is assumed 0.5%, as presented in Table 4.
represents the percentage of internally used methane that is leaked, which is 0.25% according to Table 4.
represents the percentage of biogas produced that is used internally, assumed 4%, as presented in the Assumptions section.
represents the percentage of methane in biogas. This value is assumed to be 55%, as presented in the Assumptions section.
represents the percentage of biomethane leaked during the gas injection into the grid, which is 0.1% according to Table 4.
represents the percentage of biomethane leaked during the biomethane distribution to the final user, which is 0.13% according to Table 4.
represents the percentage of methane in biomethane. This value is considered 97%, as presented in Assumptions section.
represents the percentage methane produced that is leaked in the purification process. This value is estimated at 0.7% if data is not available for the project.
represents the volume of methane produced, in m³, before losses. This value shall be cross checked against the expected CH produced, calculated in Equation 6.
represents the m of biomethane injected into the gas grid annually.
represents the sum of GHG emissions from biogenic CH leakages, in kgCOeq.
and were explained in Equation 1.
represents GHG emissions from biogenic CH leakages, in kgCOeq, due to biomethane combustion.
is described in Equation 11.
represents the lower heating value of biomethane, presented in Table 5 in the Assumptions section_._
represents biomethane's combustion emission rate, in kg CH/MJ biomethane.
was described in Equation 4.
represents the sum of NO direct emissions due to methane combustion, in kgCOeq.
is described in Equation 11.
is described in Equation 13.
represents biomethane's combustion emission rate, in kg NO/MJ biomethane.
is explained in Equation 3.
represents the sum of direct GHG emissions (CH and NO) due to leakages and losses in the digestion, purifying, injection, distribution and combustion steps, in kgCOeq.
represents the sum of GHG emissions due to the digestion, purifying, injection, and distribution step, in kgCOeq.
This step calculates the GHG emissions from the digestate produced (stored and spread) life cycle stage ().
represents the total amount of raw digestate produced, stored and spread by the project annually, in tonnes of fresh matter.
represents the sum of all feedstock inputs, in tonnes of fresh matter.
represents the ratio of the total feedstock input mass that becomes digestate at the end of the digestion. This is assumed to be 85% as presented in the Assumptions section.
represents the amount of digestate produced that is recirculated in the digester, in tonnes of fresh matter.
represents the amount of digestate type i (raw, liquid, or solid form) produced (stored and spread), in tonnes of fresh matter. If no digestate separation process occurs, the amount of digestate produced is equal to the amount of raw digestate produced ().
was calculated in Equation 17.
represents the percent of all digestate produced that is digestate type i (whether raw, liquid, or solid).
represents methane leakage from digestate storage, as a function of total methane produced.
represents the average number of days that feedstock spends in the digester.
represents the weighted average percent of all digestate types that are stored under covered conditions.
is calculated in Equation 18.
represents the percentage of digestate type i stored under covered conditions.
represents the total weighted average of methane emission reductions thanks to covering digestate during storage.
was calculated in Equation 20.
represents the leakage reduction of methane obtained by covering digestate during storage. This value is 0.2.
represents the sum of GHG emissions from methane due to digestate storage, in kgCOeq.
represents the amount of methane produced during the reference year in m³, from Equation 1.
was calculated in Equation 19.
was calculated in Equation 21.
and is explained in Equation 1.
represents the sum of GHG emissions due to NO leakages during digestate storage, in kgCOeq.
is calculated in Equation 18.
represents the Nitrogen content in the digestate type i (raw, liquid, or solid), in kg/tonne.
represents the percentage of Nitrogen leaked during digestate type i storage, as presented in Table 6.
and are explained in Equation 3.
represents the sum of GHG emissions from NO during digestate spreading, in kgCOeq.
is calculated in Equation 18.
is explained in Equation 23.
represents the percentage of nitrogen emitted as NO during digestate type i spreading, as presented in Table 6.
and are explained in Equation 3.
represents the sum of GHG emissions due to the transport of digestate from the biomethane site until the spreading point, in kgCOeq.
is calculated in Equation 18.
represents the distance from the biogas site to the location where the digestate type i will be spread, measured in kilometers.
represents the emission factor of truck transport in kgCOeq/t.km. Refer to Appendix 1 for the ecoinvent process used.
represents the sum of GHG emissions due to the digestate storage and spreading life cycle stage, in kgCOeq.
was calculated in Equation 22.
was calculated in Equation 23.
was calculated in Equation 24.
was calculated in Equation 25.
This step calculates the GHG emissions from the project’s avoided fertilizer production and use ().
represents the sum of GHG emissions avoided due to the substitution of mineral fertilizer production by digestate spreading, in kgCOeq. P denotes the project scenario, to differentiate between the same variable calculated in the baseline scenario.
is calculated in Equation 18
represents the content of nutrient 𝑗 (N, P205,and K2O) in digestate type 𝑖, in kg nutrient/tonne of digestate.
represents the emission factor of production of synthetic N, P2O5, or K2O fertilizer in kgCOeq/kg. Refer to Appendix 1 for the ecoinvent process used.
represents the sum of GHG emissions avoided due to the substitution of mineral fertilizer use, and subsequent NO emissions, by digestate spreading, in kgCOeq. P denotes the project scenario, to differentiate between the same variable calculated in the baseline scenario.
is calculated in Equation 18.
is explained in Equation 23.
represents the rate of applied nitrogen emitted as NO, which equals 1%.
and are explained in Equation 3.
represents the sum of fertilizer GHG emissions avoided due to the use of digestate as an organic amendment, in kgCOeq.
This step calculates the GHG emissions from the baseline energy production life cycle stage, where biomethane is injected into the gas grid ().
represents the total amount of energy from gas delivered after distribution, in MJ.
represents the amount of biomethane injected into the grid, in m³, from the gas grid injection receipts, described in Equation 11.
represents the lower heating value of biomethane, presented in Table 5 in the Assumptions section_._
represents the sum of GHG emissions due to natural gas production and use according to the market shares, in kgCOeq.
is calculated in Equation 30.
represents the fraction of natural gas in the grid, described in paragraph
represents the emission factor of natural gas, in kgCOeq/MJ. Refer to Appendix 2 for the ecoinvent process used.
represents the sum of GHG emissions due to biogas and biomethane production according to the market shares, in kgCOeq.
is calculated in Equation 30
represents the fraction of biogas type i (biogas and biomethane) in the grid.
represents the lower heating value used to convert MJ to m³ of biogas type (biogas and biomethane), presented in Table 5 in the Assumptions section_._
represents the emission factor of biogas type i, in kgCOeq/m³.
represents the sum of GHG emissions due to gas production and use in the baseline scenario, in kgCOeq.
This step calculates the GHG emissions from the baseline Manure and Slurry Storage life cycle stage ().
represents the sum of GHG emissions from transporting manure and slurry from the location they are stored to where they are spread, in kgCOeq.
represents the amount of manure of type i (chicken or cow) used as feedstock in the project scenario, in tonnes of fresh matter.
represents the amount of slurry used as feedstock in the project scenario, in tonnes of fresh matter.
represents the distance of manure/slurry transport for spreading, in kilometers. This is assumed to be 10 km, see the Assumtions section.
represents the emission factor of truck transport in kgCOeq/t.km. Refer to Appendix 1 for the ecoinvent process used.
GHG emissions due to direct NO emissions from manure storage follow the same calculation presented in Equation 3, using a parameter value of . This shall be calculated as a parameter called . GHG emissions due to direct CH$_4$ emissions from manure and slurry storage follow the same calculation presented in Equation 4, using a days stored parameter value of . This shall be calculated as a parameter called .
represents the sum of GHG emissions resulting from NO being directly emitted into the air due to the spreading of manure, in kgCOeq.
is described in Equation 34.
represents the rate of NO released from manure spreading, and equals 0.177 kg NO/tonne of manure spread, regardless of manure type (Table 3).
is described in Equation 3.
represents the sum of GHG emissions resulting from NO being directly emitted into the air due to the storage of slurry, in kgCOeq.
is described in Equation 34.
represents the dry matter content of slurry, which is 4.27% (Table 3).
represents the percentage of dry matter as nitrogen in slurry, which is 7.11% (Table 3).
represents the percentage of nitrogen lost as NO during storage of slurry, which is 0.0008% (Table 3).
and are explained in Equation 3.
represents the sum of GHG emissions resulting from NO being directly emitted into the air due to the spreading of slurry, in kgCOeq.
is described in Equation 34.
represents the rate of NO released from slurry spreading, and equals 0.057 kg NO/tonne of manure spread (Table 3).
is described in Equation 3.
represents the sum of GHG emissions due to manure and slurry transport, storage, and spreading in the baseline scenario.
This step calculates the GHG emissions from the baseline scenario’s avoided fertilizer production and use ().
represents the sum of emissions avoided due to the use of manure or slurry as a fertilizer, in kgCOeq. denotes the baseline scenario, to differentiate between the same variable calculated in the project scenario.
represents the amount of feedstock (manure or slurry) in tonnes of fresh matter.
represents the replacement rate of nutrient 𝑗 (N, K2O, and P2O5) from each feedstock type i, in kg nutrient/tonne of feedstock.
is described in Equation 27.
represents the sum of GHG emissions avoided due to the substitution of mineral fertilizer use, and subsequent NO emissions, by manure and/or slurry spreading, in kgCOeq. denotes the baseline scenario, to differentiate between the same variable calculated in the project scenario.
is described in Equation 39.
represents the replacement rate of N fertilizer in kg per tonne of feedstock type i (Table 7).
represents the rate of applied nitrogen emitted as NO, which equals 1%.
and are explained in Equation 3.
represents the sum of fertilizer GHG emissions avoided due to the use of manure and/or slurry as an organic amendment, in kgCOeq.
The baseline scenario structure remains valid for the entire crediting period but may be significantly revised earlier if:
The Project Developer notifies Riverse of a substantial change in project operations or baseline conditions, and/or
The methodology is revised, affecting the baseline scenario.
The specific values within the baseline scenario will be updated annually, using project data to accurately reflect the equivalent of the project’s annual operations.
Project Developers shall assign a likelihood and severity score of each risk, and provide an explanation of their choices. The VVB and Riverse’s Certification team shall evaluate the assessment and may recommend changes to the assigned scores.
All risks with a high or very high risk score are subject to a , which outlines how Project Developers will mitigate, monitor, report, and if necessary, compensate for any environmental and/or social harms.
Additional proof may be required for certain high risk environmental and social problems.
The Project Developer, the Riverse Certification team, or the VVB may suggest additional risks to be considered for a specific project.
Note that the life-cycle GHG reduction calculations account for the climate change impacts of most environmental risks. Nonetheless, Project Developers shall transparently describe any identified GHG emission risks in the risk evaluation template.
All risk assessments must also address the defined in the Riverse Standard Rules.