Validation process

VVB Validation objectives

Once a project’s PDD has been pre-validated internally by Riverse, it enters the validation step. The objective of validation is to provide an external evaluation to ensure that:

  • the LCA methods employed are robust and accurate,

  • that there is consistency in the primary data collected,

  • and that the project adequately answers to all 12 criteria outlined in the Riverse Standard Rules.

Validation seeks to guarantee the realness and authenticity of the project, ensuring that it genuinely contributes to the set objectives and is not merely a theoretical construct. This external validation provides an additional layer of credibility and trustworthiness to the entire process, ensuring stakeholders of the project's integrity and alignment with established requirements.

The VVB team must follow the procedures outlined in the “Project validation” section of the Riverse Procedures Manual.

Validation output

The audit shall validate the following elements:

  • Consistency: The answers and evidence provided for each criterion of the Riverse Standard are consistent, conservative and valid;

  • Model: if the project is not covered by one of the Riverse methodologies, check that the LCA includes all necessary life cycle stages, and the methodology is in line with current LCA practice;

  • Data authenticity and estimates: inputs include actual data and where appropriate estimates, and are supported by technical data from reliable and recognised sources;

  • Model usage: the Project Developers uses life cycle assessment (LCA) to calculate the estimated carbon removals and avoidance, and determine the number of Riverse Carbon Credits (RCCs) to issue. The choice of the baseline scenario is justified, using accurate and conservative assumptions.

  • RCCs estimation over the crediting period: The projected quantity of removal/avoidance RCCs expected per annum has been validated, based on the modeled emission reductions and the expected output/production quantity of the project.

  • Monitoring Plan: the documents and indicators suggested in the Monitoring Plan will allow the VVB to verify project eligibility and RCCs issuance in the following years.

Last updated

#140: BiCRS marine sub-sediment burial

Change request updated