Eligible technologies

Project type

The project may be biobased construction material manufacturing. In this case, carbon credits are issued according to the amount of biobased materials sold to building developers during the reference calendar year. The Project Developer may be the biobased construction material manufacturer.

The project may be the use of biobased construction materials in new, permanent building construction or renovation of permanent buildings during the reference calendar year. RCCs are issued according to the amount of biobased construction materials used in the new building construction. The Project Developer may be the building developer, i.e. the entity responsible for technical choices, building design, and oversight of the development.

Biobased material type

Biobased construction materials may include but are not limited to, wood framing, wood panels, hempcrete (concrete containing hemp fibers), and cellulose thermal insulation.

Types of biomass used for biobased construction materials may include wood (timber/lumber), bamboo, hemp, straw, recycled paper, and flax, among others.

Project scope

For the manufacturing of biobased construction materials, one project corresponds to the production of a single biobased product by one registered company within a single country.

For example, if a company has multiple production sites for the same biobased material across different countries, separate projects should be registered for the facilities within each country.

For the use of biobased construction materials, one project includes all biobased materials used within a single building development, where a building development is defined as all construction covered under one building permit.

Last updated